section ‹Direct product›
theory DirectProduct_ZF imports func_ZF
text‹This theory considers the direct product of binary operations.
Contributed by Seo Sanghyeon.›
text‹In group theory the notion of direct product provides a natural
way of creating a new group from two given groups.›
text‹Given $(G,\cdot)$ and $(H,\circ)$
a new operation $(G\times H, \times )$ is defined as
$(g, h) \times (g', h') = (g \cdot g', h \circ h')$.›
"DirectProduct(P,Q,G,H) ≡
{⟨x,⟨P`⟨fst(fst(x)),fst(snd(x))⟩ , Q`⟨snd(fst(x)),snd(snd(x))⟩⟩⟩.
x ∈ (G×H)×(G×H)}"
text‹We define a context called ‹direct0› which
holds an assumption that $P, Q$ are binary operations on
$G,H$, resp. and denotes $R$ as the direct product of
$(G,P)$ and $(H,Q)$.›
locale direct0 =
fixes P Q G H
assumes Pfun: "P : G×G→G"
assumes Qfun: "Q : H×H→H"
fixes R
defines Rdef [simp]: "R ≡ DirectProduct(P,Q,G,H)"
text‹The direct product of binary operations is a binary operation.›
lemma (in direct0) DirectProduct_ZF_1_L1:
shows "R : (G×H)×(G×H)→G×H"
proof -
from Pfun Qfun have "∀x∈(G×H)×(G×H).
⟨P`⟨fst(fst(x)),fst(snd(x))⟩,Q`⟨snd(fst(x)),snd(snd(x))⟩⟩ ∈ G×H"
by auto
then show ?thesis using ZF_fun_from_total DirectProduct_def
by simp
text‹And it has the intended value.›
lemma (in direct0) DirectProduct_ZF_1_L2:
shows "∀x∈(G×H). ∀y∈(G×H).
R`⟨x,y⟩ = ⟨P`⟨fst(x),fst(y)⟩,Q`⟨snd(x),snd(y)⟩⟩"
using DirectProduct_def DirectProduct_ZF_1_L1 ZF_fun_from_tot_val
by simp
text‹And the value belongs to the set the operation is defined on.›
lemma (in direct0) DirectProduct_ZF_1_L3:
shows "∀x∈(G×H). ∀y∈(G×H). R`⟨x,y⟩ ∈ G×H"
using DirectProduct_ZF_1_L1 by simp
subsection‹Associative and commutative operations›
text‹If P and Q are both associative or commutative operations,
the direct product of P and Q has the same property.›
text‹Direct product of commutative operations is commutative.›
lemma (in direct0) DirectProduct_ZF_2_L1:
assumes "P {is commutative on} G" and "Q {is commutative on} H"
shows "R {is commutative on} G×H"
proof -
from assms have "∀x∈(G×H). ∀y∈(G×H). R`⟨x,y⟩ = R`⟨y,x⟩"
using DirectProduct_ZF_1_L2 IsCommutative_def by simp
then show ?thesis using IsCommutative_def by simp
text‹Direct product of associative operations is associative.›
lemma (in direct0) DirectProduct_ZF_2_L2:
assumes "P {is associative on} G" and "Q {is associative on} H"
shows "R {is associative on} G×H"
proof -
have "∀x∈G×H. ∀y∈G×H. ∀z∈G×H. R`⟨R`⟨x,y⟩,z⟩ =
using DirectProduct_ZF_1_L2 DirectProduct_ZF_1_L3
by auto
moreover have "∀x∈G×H. ∀y∈G×H. ∀z∈G×H. R`⟨x,R`⟨y,z⟩⟩ =
using DirectProduct_ZF_1_L2 DirectProduct_ZF_1_L3 by auto
ultimately have "∀x∈G×H. ∀y∈G×H. ∀z∈G×H. R`⟨R`⟨x,y⟩,z⟩ = R`⟨x,R`⟨y,z⟩⟩"
using assms IsAssociative_def by simp
then show ?thesis
using DirectProduct_ZF_1_L1 IsAssociative_def by simp