section ‹Cardinal numbers›
theory Cardinal_ZF imports ZF.CardinalArith func1
text‹This theory file deals with results on cardinal numbers (cardinals). Cardinals are
a genaralization of the natural numbers, used to measure the cardinality (size) of sets.
Contributed by Daniel de la Concepcion.›
subsection‹Some new ideas on cardinals›
text‹All the results of this section are done without assuming
the Axiom of Choice. With the Axiom of Choice in play, the proofs become easier
and some of the assumptions may be dropped.
Since General Topology Theory is closely related to Set Theory, it is very interesting
to make use of all the possibilities of Set Theory to try to classify homeomorphic
topological spaces. These ideas are generally used to prove that two topological
spaces are not homeomorphic.›
text‹There exist cardinals which are the successor of another cardinal,
but; as happens with ordinals, there are cardinals which are limit cardinal.›
"LimitC(i) ≡ Card(i) ∧ 0<i ∧ (∀y. (y<i∧Card(y)) ⟶ csucc(y)<i)"
text‹Simple fact used a couple of times in proofs.›
lemma nat_less_infty: assumes "n∈nat" and "InfCard(X)" shows "n<X"
proof -
from assms have "n<nat" and "nat≤X" using lt_def InfCard_def by auto
then show "n<X" using lt_trans2 by blast
text‹There are three types of cardinals, the zero one, the succesors
of other cardinals and the limit cardinals.›
lemma Card_cases_disj:
assumes "Card(i)"
shows "i=0 | (∃j. Card(j) ∧ i=csucc(j)) | LimitC(i)"
from assms have D: "Ord(i)" using Card_is_Ord by auto
assume F: "i≠0"
assume Contr: "~LimitC(i)"
from F D have "0<i" using Ord_0_lt by auto
with Contr assms have "∃y. y < i ∧ Card(y) ∧ ¬ csucc(y) < i"
using LimitC_def by blast
then obtain y where " y < i ∧ Card(y) ∧ ¬ csucc(y) < i" by blast
with D have " y < i" " i≤csucc(y)" and O: "Card(y)"
using not_lt_imp_le lt_Ord Card_csucc Card_is_Ord
by auto
with assms have "csucc(y)≤i""i≤csucc(y)" using csucc_le by auto
then have "i=csucc(y)" using le_anti_sym by auto
with O have "∃j. Card(j) ∧ i=csucc(j)" by auto
} thus ?thesis by auto
text‹Given an ordinal bounded by a cardinal in ordinal order, we can change
to the order of sets.›
lemma le_imp_lesspoll:
assumes "Card(Q)"
shows "A ≤ Q ⟹ A ≲ Q"
proof -
assume "A ≤ Q"
then have "A<Q∨A=Q" using le_iff by auto
then have "A≈Q∨A< Q" using eqpoll_refl by auto
with assms have "A≈Q∨A≺ Q" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll by auto
then show "A≲Q" using lesspoll_def eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
text‹There are two types of infinite cardinals, the natural numbers
and those that have at least one infinite strictly smaller cardinal.›
lemma InfCard_cases_disj:
assumes "InfCard(Q)"
shows "Q=nat ∨ (∃j. csucc(j)≲Q ∧ InfCard(j))"
assume "∀j. ¬ csucc(j) ≲ Q ∨ ¬ InfCard(j)"
then have D: "¬ csucc(nat) ≲ Q" using InfCard_nat by auto
with D assms have "¬(csucc(nat) ≤ Q)" using le_imp_lesspoll InfCard_is_Card
by auto
with assms have "Q<(csucc(nat))"
using not_le_iff_lt Card_is_Ord Card_csucc Card_is_Ord
Card_is_Ord InfCard_is_Card Card_nat by auto
with assms have "Q≤nat" using Card_lt_csucc_iff InfCard_is_Card Card_nat
by auto
with assms have "Q=nat" using InfCard_def le_anti_sym by auto
thus ?thesis by auto
text‹A more readable version of standard Isabelle/ZF ‹Ord_linear_lt››
lemma Ord_linear_lt_IML: assumes "Ord(i)" "Ord(j)"
shows "i<j ∨ i=j ∨ j<i"
using assms lt_def Ord_linear disjE by simp
text‹A set is injective and not bijective to the successor of a cardinal
if and only if it is injective and possibly bijective to the cardinal.›
lemma Card_less_csucc_eq_le:
assumes "Card(m)"
shows "A ≺ csucc(m) ⟷ A ≲ m"
have S: "Ord(csucc(m))" using Card_csucc Card_is_Ord assms by auto
assume A: "A ≺ csucc(m)"
with S have "|A|≈A" using lesspoll_imp_eqpoll by auto
also from A have "…≺ csucc(m)" by auto
finally have "|A|≺ csucc(m)" by auto
then have "|A|≲csucc(m)""~(|A|≈csucc(m))" using lesspoll_def by auto
with S have "||A||≤csucc(m)""|A|≠csucc(m)" using lepoll_cardinal_le by auto
then have "|A|≤csucc(m)" "|A|≠csucc(m)" using Card_def Card_cardinal by auto
then have I: "~(csucc(m)<|A|)" "|A|≠csucc(m)" using le_imp_not_lt by auto
from S have "csucc(m)<|A| ∨ |A|=csucc(m) ∨ |A|<csucc(m)"
using Card_cardinal Card_is_Ord Ord_linear_lt_IML by auto
with I have "|A|<csucc(m)" by simp
with assms have "|A|≤m" using Card_lt_csucc_iff Card_cardinal
by auto
then have "|A|=m∨ |A|< m" using le_iff by auto
then have "|A|≈m∨|A|< m" using eqpoll_refl by auto
then have "|A|≈m∨|A|≺ m" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll assms by auto
then have T:"|A|≲m" using lesspoll_def eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
from A S have "A≈|A|" using lesspoll_imp_eqpoll eqpoll_sym by auto
also from T have "…≲m" by auto
finally show "A≲m" by simp
assume A: "A≲m"
from assms have "m≺csucc(m)" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll Card_csucc Card_is_Ord
lt_csucc by auto
with A show "A≺csucc(m)" using lesspoll_trans1 by auto
text‹If the successor of a cardinal is infinite, so is the original
lemma csucc_inf_imp_inf:
assumes "Card(j)" and "InfCard(csucc(j))"
shows "InfCard(j)"
assume f:"Finite (j)"
then obtain n where "n∈nat" "j≈n" using Finite_def by auto
with assms(1) have TT: "j=n" "n∈nat"
using cardinal_cong nat_into_Card Card_def by auto
then have Q:"succ(j)∈nat" using nat_succI by auto
with f TT have T: "Finite(succ(j))" "Card(succ(j))"
using nat_into_Card nat_succI by auto
from T(2) have "Card(succ(j))∧ j<succ(j)" using Card_is_Ord by auto
moreover from this have "Ord(succ(j))" using Card_is_Ord by auto
{ fix x
assume A: "x<succ(j)"
assume "Card(x)∧ j<x"
with A have "False" using lt_trans1 by auto
hence "~(Card(x)∧ j<x)" by auto
ultimately have "(μ L. Card(L) ∧ j < L)=succ(j)"
by (rule Least_equality)
then have "csucc(j)=succ(j)" using csucc_def by auto
with Q have "csucc(j)∈nat" by auto
then have "csucc(j)<nat" using lt_def Card_nat Card_is_Ord by auto
with assms(2) have "False" using InfCard_def lt_trans2 by auto
then have "~(Finite (j))" by auto
with assms(1) show ?thesis using Inf_Card_is_InfCard by auto
text‹Since all the cardinals previous to ‹nat›
are finite, it cannot be a successor cardinal; hence it is
a ‹LimitC› cardinal.›
corollary LimitC_nat:
shows "LimitC(nat)"
note Card_nat
moreover have "0<nat" using lt_def by auto
fix y
assume AS: "y<nat""Card(y)"
then have ord: "Ord(y)" unfolding lt_def by auto
then have Cacsucc: "Card(csucc(y))" using Card_csucc by auto
assume "nat≤csucc(y)"
with Cacsucc have "InfCard(csucc(y))" using InfCard_def by auto
with AS(2) have "InfCard(y)" using csucc_inf_imp_inf by auto
then have "nat≤y" using InfCard_def by auto
with AS(1) have "False" using lt_trans2 by auto
hence "~(nat≤csucc(y))" by auto
then have "csucc(y)<nat" using not_le_iff_lt Ord_nat Cacsucc Card_is_Ord by auto
ultimately show ?thesis using LimitC_def by auto
subsection‹Main result on cardinals (without the Axiom of Choice)›
text‹If two sets are strictly injective to an infinite cardinal,
then so is its union. For the case of successor cardinal, this
theorem is done in the isabelle library in a more general setting;
but that theorem is of not
use in the case where ‹LimitC(Q)› and it also makes use
of the Axiom of Choice. The mentioned theorem is in the
theory file ‹Cardinal_AC.thy››
text‹Note that if $Q$ is finite and different from $1$, let's assume $Q=n$,
then the union of $A$ and $B$ is not bounded by $Q$.
Counterexample: two disjoint sets of $n-1$ elements each
have a union of $2n-2$ elements which are more than $n$.
Note also that if $Q=1$ then $A$ and $B$ must be empty
and the union is then empty too; and $Q$ cannot be ‹0› because
no set is injective and not bijective to ‹0›.
The proof is divided in two parts, first the case when
both sets $A$ and $B$ are finite; and second,
the part when at least one of them is infinite.
In the first part, it is used the fact that a finite
union of finite sets is finite. In the second part it
is used the linear order on cardinals (ordinals).
This proof can not be generalized to a setting with
an infinite union easily.›
lemma less_less_imp_un_less:
assumes "A≺Q" and "B≺Q" and "InfCard(Q)"
shows "A ∪ B≺Q"
assume "Finite (A) ∧ Finite(B)"
then have "Finite(A ∪ B)" using Finite_Un by auto
then obtain n where R: "A ∪ B ≈n" "n∈nat" using Finite_def
by auto
then have "|A ∪ B|<nat" using lt_def cardinal_cong
nat_into_Card Card_def Card_nat Card_is_Ord by auto
with assms(3) have T: "|A ∪ B|<Q" using InfCard_def lt_trans2 by auto
from R have "Ord(n)""A ∪ B ≲ n" using nat_into_Card Card_is_Ord eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
then have "A ∪ B≈|A ∪ B|" using lepoll_Ord_imp_eqpoll eqpoll_sym by auto
also from T assms(3) have "…≺Q" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll InfCard_is_Card
by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≺Q" by simp
assume "~(Finite (A) ∧ Finite(B))"
hence A: "~Finite (A) ∨ ~Finite(B)" by auto
from assms have B: "|A|≈A" "|B|≈B" using lesspoll_imp_eqpoll lesspoll_imp_eqpoll
InfCard_is_Card Card_is_Ord by auto
from B(1) have Aeq: "∀x. (|A|≈x) ⟶ (A≈x)"
using eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans by blast
from B(2) have Beq: "∀x. (|B|≈x) ⟶ (B≈x)"
using eqpoll_sym eqpoll_trans by blast
with A Aeq have "~Finite(|A|)∨ ~Finite(|B|)" using Finite_def
by auto
then have D: "InfCard(|A|)∨InfCard(|B|)"
using Inf_Card_is_InfCard Inf_Card_is_InfCard Card_cardinal by blast
assume AS: "|A| < |B|"
assume "~InfCard(|A|)"
with D have "InfCard(|B|)" by auto
assume "InfCard(|A|)"
then have "nat≤|A|" using InfCard_def by auto
with AS have "nat<|B|" using lt_trans1 by auto
then have "nat≤|B|" using leI by auto
then have "InfCard(|B|)" using InfCard_def Card_cardinal by auto
ultimately have INFB: "InfCard(|B|)" by auto
then have "2<|B|" using nat_less_infty by simp
then have AG: "2≲|B|" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll Card_cardinal lesspoll_def
by auto
from B(2) have "|B|≈B" by simp
also from assms(2) have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have TTT: "|B|≺Q" by simp
from B(1) have "Card(|B|)" "A ≲|A|" using eqpoll_sym Card_cardinal eqpoll_imp_lepoll
by auto
with AS have "A≺|B|" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll lesspoll_trans1 by auto
then have I1: "A≲|B|" using lesspoll_def by auto
from B(2) have I2: "B≲|B|" using eqpoll_sym eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
have "A ∪ B≲A+B" using Un_lepoll_sum by auto
also from I1 I2 have "…≲ |B| + |B|" using sum_lepoll_mono by auto
also from AG have "…≲|B| * |B|" using sum_lepoll_prod by auto
also from assms(3) INFB have "…≈|B|" using InfCard_square_eqpoll
by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≲|B|" by simp
also from TTT have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≺Q" by simp
assume AS: "|B| < |A|"
assume "~InfCard(|B|)"
with D have "InfCard(|A|)" by auto
assume "InfCard(|B|)"
then have "nat≤|B|" using InfCard_def by auto
with AS have "nat<|A|" using lt_trans1 by auto
then have "nat≤|A|" using leI by auto
then have "InfCard(|A|)" using InfCard_def Card_cardinal by auto
ultimately have INFB: "InfCard(|A|)" by auto
then have "2<|A|" using nat_less_infty by simp
then have AG: "2≲|A|" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll Card_cardinal lesspoll_def
by auto
from B(1) have "|A|≈A" by simp
also from assms(1) have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have TTT: "|A|≺Q" by simp
from B(2) have "Card(|A|)" "B ≲|B|" using eqpoll_sym Card_cardinal eqpoll_imp_lepoll
by auto
with AS have "B≺|A|" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll lesspoll_trans1 by auto
then have I1: "B≲|A|" using lesspoll_def by auto
from B(1) have I2: "A≲|A|" using eqpoll_sym eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
have "A ∪ B≲A+B" using Un_lepoll_sum by auto
also from I1 I2 have "…≲ |A| + |A|" using sum_lepoll_mono by auto
also from AG have "…≲|A| * |A|" using sum_lepoll_prod by auto
also from INFB assms(3) have "…≈|A|" using InfCard_square_eqpoll
by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≲|A|" by simp
also from TTT have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≺Q" by simp
assume AS: "|A|=|B|"
with D have INFB: "InfCard(|A|)" by auto
then have "2<|A|" using nat_less_infty by simp
then have AG: "2≲|A|" using lt_Card_imp_lesspoll Card_cardinal using lesspoll_def
by auto
from B(1) have "|A|≈A" by simp
also from assms(1) have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have TTT: "|A|≺Q" by simp
from AS B have I1: "A≲|A|"and I2:"B≲|A|" using eqpoll_refl eqpoll_imp_lepoll
eqpoll_sym by auto
have "A ∪ B≲A+B" using Un_lepoll_sum by auto
also from I1 I2 have "…≲ |A| + |A|" using sum_lepoll_mono by auto
also from AG have "…≲|A| * |A|" using sum_lepoll_prod by auto
also from assms(3) INFB have "…≈|A|" using InfCard_square_eqpoll
by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≲|A|" by simp
also from TTT have "…≺Q" by auto
finally have "A ∪ B≺Q" by simp
ultimately have "A ∪ B≺Q" using Ord_linear_lt_IML Card_cardinal Card_is_Ord by auto
ultimately show "A ∪ B≺Q" by auto
subsection‹Choice axioms›
text‹We want to prove some theorems assuming that some version of the Axiom of Choice holds.
To avoid introducing it as an axiom we will defin an appropriate predicate and put that in the
assumptions of the theorems. That way technically we stay inside ZF.›
text‹The first predicate we define states that the axiom of $Q$-choice holds for subsets of $K$ if
we can find a choice function for every family of subsets of $K$ whose (that family's)
cardinality does not exceed $Q$.›
AxiomCardinalChoice ("{the axiom of}_{choice holds for subsets}_") where
"{the axiom of} Q {choice holds for subsets}K ≡ Card(Q) ∧ (∀ M N. (M ≲Q ∧ (∀t∈M. N`t≠0 ∧ N`t⊆K)) ⟶ (∃f. f:Pi(M,λt. N`t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f`t∈N`t)))"
text‹Next we define a general form of $Q$ choice where we don't require a collection of files
to be included in a file.›
AxiomCardinalChoiceGen ("{the axiom of}_{choice holds}") where
"{the axiom of} Q {choice holds} ≡ Card(Q) ∧ (∀ M N. (M ≲Q ∧ (∀t∈M. N`t≠0)) ⟶ (∃f. f:Pi(M,λt. N`t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f`t∈N`t)))"
text‹The axiom of finite choice always holds.›
theorem finite_choice:
assumes "n∈nat"
shows "{the axiom of} n {choice holds}"
proof -
note assms(1)
fix M N assume "M≲0" "∀t∈M. N`t≠0"
then have "M=0" using lepoll_0_is_0 by auto
then have "{⟨t,0⟩. t∈M}:Pi(M,λt. N`t)" unfolding Pi_def domain_def function_def Sigma_def by auto
moreover from ‹M=0› have "∀t∈M. {⟨t,0⟩. t∈M}`t∈N`t" by auto
ultimately have "(∃f. f:Pi(M,λt. N`t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f`t∈N`t))" by auto
then have "(∀ M N. (M ≲0 ∧ (∀t∈M. N`t≠0)) ⟶ (∃f. f:Pi(M,λt. N`t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f`t∈N`t)))"
by auto
then have "{the axiom of} 0 {choice holds}" using AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def nat_into_Card
by auto
moreover {
fix x
assume as: "x∈nat" "{the axiom of} x {choice holds}"
fix M N assume ass: "M≲succ(x)" "∀t∈M. N`t≠0"
assume "M≲x"
from as(2) ass(2) have
"(M ≲ x ∧ (∀t∈M. N ` t ≠ 0)) ⟶ (∃f. f ∈ Pi(M,λt. N ` t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f ` t ∈ N ` t))"
unfolding AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def by auto
with ‹M≲x› ass(2) have "(∃f. f ∈ Pi(M,λt. N ` t) ∧ (∀t∈M. f ` t ∈ N ` t))"
by auto
assume "M≈succ(x)"
then obtain f where f:"f∈bij(succ(x),M)" using eqpoll_sym eqpoll_def by blast
have "x∈succ(x)" unfolding succ_def by auto
ultimately have "restrict(f,succ(x)-{x})∈bij(succ(x)-{x},M-{f`x})" using bij_restrict_rem
by auto
have "x∉x" using mem_not_refl by auto
then have "succ(x)-{x}=x" unfolding succ_def by auto
ultimately have "restrict(f,x)∈bij(x,M-{f`x})" by auto
then have "x≈M-{f`x}" unfolding eqpoll_def by auto
then have "M-{f`x}≈x" using eqpoll_sym by auto
then have "M-{f`x}≲x" using eqpoll_imp_lepoll by auto
with as(2) ass(2) have "(∃g. g ∈ Pi(M-{f`x},λt. N ` t) ∧ (∀t∈M-{f`x}. g ` t ∈ N ` t))"
unfolding AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def by auto
then obtain g where g: "g∈ Pi(M-{f`x},λt. N ` t)" "∀t∈M-{f`x}. g ` t ∈ N ` t"
by auto
from f have ff: "f`x∈M" using bij_def inj_def apply_funtype by auto
with ass(2) have "N`(f`x)≠0" by auto
then obtain y where y: "y∈N`(f`x)" by auto
from g(1) have gg: "g⊆Sigma(M-{f`x},(`)(N))" unfolding Pi_def by auto
with y ff have "g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩}⊆Sigma(M, (`)(N))" unfolding Sigma_def by auto
from g(1) have dom: "M-{f`x}⊆domain(g)" unfolding Pi_def by auto
then have "M⊆domain(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})" unfolding domain_def by auto
from gg g(1) have noe: "~(∃t. ⟨f`x,t⟩∈g)" and "function(g)"
unfolding domain_def Pi_def Sigma_def by auto
with dom have fg: "function(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})" unfolding function_def by blast
ultimately have PP: "g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩}∈Pi(M,λt. N ` t)" unfolding Pi_def by auto
have "⟨f`x, y⟩ ∈ g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩}" by auto
from this fg have "(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})`(f`x)=y" by (rule function_apply_equality)
with y have "(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})`(f`x)∈N`(f`x)" by auto
fix t assume A:"t∈M-{f`x}"
with g(1) have "⟨t,g`t⟩∈g" using apply_Pair by auto
then have "⟨t,g`t⟩∈(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})" by auto
then have "(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})`t=g`t" using apply_equality PP by auto
with A have "(g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})`t∈N`t" using g(2) by auto
ultimately have "∀t∈M. (g ∪{⟨f`x, y⟩})`t∈N`t" by auto
with PP have "∃g. g∈Pi(M,λt. N ` t) ∧ (∀t∈M. g`t∈N`t)" by auto
ultimately have "∃g. g ∈ Pi(M, λt. N`t) ∧ (∀t∈M. g ` t ∈ N ` t)" using as(1) ass(1)
lepoll_succ_disj by auto
then have "∀M N. M ≲ succ(x)∧(∀t∈M. N`t≠0)⟶(∃g. g ∈ Pi(M,λt. N ` t) ∧ (∀t∈M. g ` t ∈ N ` t))"
by auto
then have "{the axiom of}succ(x){choice holds}"
using AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def nat_into_Card as(1) nat_succI by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by (rule nat_induct)
text‹The axiom of choice holds if and only if the ‹AxiomCardinalChoice›
holds for every couple of a cardinal ‹Q› and a set ‹K›.›
lemma choice_subset_imp_choice:
shows "{the axiom of} Q {choice holds} ⟷ (∀ K. {the axiom of} Q {choice holds for subsets}K)"
unfolding AxiomCardinalChoice_def AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def by blast
text‹A choice axiom for greater cardinality implies one for
smaller cardinality›
lemma greater_choice_imp_smaller_choice:
assumes "Q≲Q1" "Card(Q)"
shows "{the axiom of} Q1 {choice holds} ⟶ ({the axiom of} Q {choice holds})" using assms
AxiomCardinalChoiceGen_def lepoll_trans by auto
text‹If we have a surjective function from a set which is injective to a set
of ordinals, then we can find an injection which goes the other way.›
lemma surj_fun_inv:
assumes "f ∈ surj(A,B)" "A⊆Q" "Ord(Q)"
shows "B≲A"
let ?g = "{⟨m,μ j. j∈A ∧ f`(j)=m⟩. m∈B}"
have "?g:B→range(?g)" using lam_is_fun_range by simp
then have fun: "?g:B→?g``(B)" using range_image_domain by simp
from assms(2,3) have OA: "∀j∈A. Ord(j)" using lt_def Ord_in_Ord by auto
fix x
assume "x∈?g``(B)"
then have "x∈range(?g)" and "∃y∈B. ⟨y,x⟩∈?g" by auto
then obtain y where T: "x=(μ j. j∈A∧ f`(j)=y)" and "y∈B" by auto
with assms(1) OA obtain z where P: "z∈A ∧ f`(z)=y" "Ord(z)" unfolding surj_def
by auto
with T have "x∈A ∧ f`(x)=y" using LeastI by simp
hence "x∈A" by simp
then have "?g``(B) ⊆ A" by auto
with fun have fun2: "?g:B→A" using fun_weaken_type by auto
then have "?g∈inj(B,A)"
proof -
fix w x
assume AS: "?g`w=?g`x" "w∈B" "x∈B"
from assms(1) OA AS(2,3) obtain wz xz where
P1: "wz∈A ∧ f`(wz)=w" "Ord(wz)" and P2: "xz∈A ∧ f`(xz)=x" "Ord(xz)"
unfolding surj_def by blast
from P1 have "(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=w) ∈ A ∧ f`(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=w)=w"
by (rule LeastI)
moreover from P2 have "(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=x) ∈ A ∧ f`(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=x)=x"
by (rule LeastI)
ultimately have R: "f`(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=w)=w" "f`(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=x)=x"
by auto
from AS have "(μ j. j∈A∧ f`(j)=w)=(μ j. j∈A ∧ f`(j)=x)"
using apply_equality fun2 by auto
hence "f`(μ j. j∈A ∧ f`(j)=w) = f`(μ j. j∈A ∧ f`(j)=x)" by auto
with R(1) have "w = f`(μ j. j∈A∧ f`j=x)" by auto
with R(2) have "w=x" by auto
hence "∀w∈B. ∀x∈B. ?g`(w) = ?g`(x) ⟶ w = x"
by auto
with fun2 show "?g∈inj(B,A)" unfolding inj_def by auto
then show ?thesis unfolding lepoll_def by auto
text‹The difference with the previous result is that in this one
‹A› is not a subset of an ordinal, it is only injective
with one.›
theorem surj_fun_inv_2:
assumes "f:surj(A,B)" "A≲Q" "Ord(Q)"
shows "B≲A"
from assms(2) obtain h where h_def: "h∈inj(A,Q)" using lepoll_def by auto
then have bij: "h∈bij(A,range(h))" using inj_bij_range by auto
then obtain h1 where "h1∈bij(range(h),A)" using bij_converse_bij by auto
then have "h1 ∈ surj(range(h),A)" using bij_def by auto
with assms(1) have "(f O h1)∈surj(range(h),B)" using comp_surj by auto
fix x
assume p: "x∈range(h)"
from bij have "h∈surj(A,range(h))" using bij_def by auto
with p obtain q where "q∈A" and "h`(q)=x" using surj_def by auto
then have "x∈Q" using h_def inj_def by auto
then have "range(h)⊆Q" by auto
ultimately have "B≲range(h)" using surj_fun_inv assms(3) by auto
moreover have "range(h)≈A" using bij eqpoll_def eqpoll_sym by blast
ultimately show "B≲A" using lepoll_eq_trans by auto