Multiplex various stream services in a single thread.
The standard tool inetd
offers services like daytime and echo, which are re-implemented in this example program. Our mini-inetd binds those two services to TCP ports 8080 and 8081 respectively, and accepts incoming requests for about 5 seconds.
#include <ioxx/core.hpp> #include <ioxx/acceptor.hpp> #include "daytime.hpp" #include "echo.hpp" #define BOOST_TEST_MAIN #include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp> #include <boost/pool/pool_alloc.hpp> static sig_atomic_t stop_service = false; static void stop_service_hook(int) { stop_service = true; } BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE( example_inetd ) { typedef boost::fast_pool_allocator<char> allocator; typedef ioxx::core<allocator> io_core; typedef ioxx::acceptor<allocator> acceptor; typedef acceptor::socket socket; typedef acceptor::endpoint endpoint; using boost::bind; using boost::ref; // Allow signal delivery only during io_core::wait(). ioxx::signal_block no_signal_scope; // Ignore all signals except SIGINT and SIGTERM. for (int i(0); i != 32; ++i) ::signal(i, SIG_IGN); ioxx::throw_errno_if(boost::bind(std::equal_to<sighandler_t>(), _1, SIG_ERR), "signal(2)", bind(&::signal, SIGINT, &stop_service_hook)); ioxx::throw_errno_if(boost::bind(std::equal_to<sighandler_t>(), _1, SIG_ERR), "signal(2)", bind(&::signal, SIGTERM, &stop_service_hook)); // The main i/o event dispatcher. io_core io; // Accept daytime TCP service. acceptor daytime_tcp( io, endpoint("", "8080", socket::stream_service) , bind(&daytime<io_core>::accept, ref(io), _1, _2) ); // Accept echo TCP service. acceptor echo_tcp( io, endpoint("", "8081", socket::stream_service) , bind(&echo<io_core>::accept, ref(io), _1, _2) ); // Shut everything down after 5 seconds., bind(&stop_service_hook, 0)); // The main i/o loop. for (ioxx::seconds_t timeout( ); !stop_service; timeout = { io.wait(timeout); } }