Running nrm
To run this simulation:
$ ./nrm > nrm.outin the top-level source directory after compiling haploid (example programs are compiled by default).
Linkage disequilibrium
This figure shows the
evolution of linkage disequilibrium in a two-locus, two-allele
model with positive assortative mating at both loci: if the two
loci in potential parents match alleles, the probability of mating
is close to 1, and otherwise it is close to zero. Trajectories
show the evolution of 1,024 simulated populations with randomly
chosen initial allele frequencies. Figure generated
with gnuplot.
reset unset key # linkage disequilibrium graph set ylabel "Linkage disequilibrium" set xlabel "Generations" set xr [0:8] plot 'nrm.out' using 5 w lines \ linecolor rgb "blue" smooth csplines set terminal svg \ enhanced size 1000 1000 fsize 36 set output "nrm_ld.svg" replot unset outputDownload gnuplot script
Genotype frequency
This figure shows the evolution of 1,024
simulated populations with randomly chosen initial allele frequencies.
Genotype frequencies are formed with one generation of random mating
(using allele_to_genotype
()). Figure generated
with gnuplot.
reset unset key set ylabel "Haplotype Frequency" set xlabel "Generations" set xr [0:15] set yr [0:1] plot 'nrm.out' using 1 w lines \ linecolor rgb "blue" smooth csplines set terminal svg \ enhanced size 1000 1000 fsize 36 set output 'nrm_freq0.svg' replot unset outputDownload gnuplot script
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