Utility functions

AgsSoundEnums — sound enumerations
AgsSynthEnums — synth enumerations
AgsSoundcardUtil — soundcard util
AgsSequencerUtil — sequencer util
AgsCharBufferUtil — util functions to handle char buffer
AgsChorusUtil — chorus util
AgsLinearInterpolateUtil — util functions to linear interpolate
AgsFourierTransformUtil — fourier transform util
AgsFastPitchUtil — fast pitch util
AgsHQPitchUtil — hq pitch util
AgsTimeStretchUtil — time stretch util
AgsPhaseShiftUtil — phase shift util
AgsFrequencyAliaseUtil — frequency aliase util
AgsAudioBufferUtil — audio buffer util
AgsVolumeUtil — Boxed type of volume util
AgsTremoloUtil — Boxed type of tremolo util
AgsEnvelopeUtil — Boxed type of envelope util
AgsWahWahUtil — Boxed type of wah_wah util
AgsPeakUtil — Boxed type of peak util
AgsNoiseUtil — noise util
AgsResampleUtil — Boxed type of resample util
AgsSynthUtil — synth util
AgsFMSynthUtil — frequency modulation synth util
AgsSFZSynthUtil — SFZ synth util
AgsLFOSynthUtil — low frequency oscillator synth util
AgsSynthGenerator — generate wave-form
AgsSFZSynthGenerator — generate wave-form
AgsSF2SynthGenerator — generate wave-form
AgsSF2SynthUtil — SF2 synth util

The utility functions do common tasks.
