Development Notes for GRT Raytracer
This file represents a moving target — features of the current stable
version, CVS version, plans for the next release, and possible future
- GRT 0.1 Features
- GRT 0.2 Roadmap
- Feature Futures
- Project Goals
GRT 0.1 Features
- Affine transformations
- Ambient, diffuse interaction, refraction & reflection
- Patterned filtering transparency
- Patterned non-filtering transparency
- Patterned pigment
- Patterned reflection
- Patterns: solid, checker, noise, gradient, turbulence, perlin-noise
- Primitives: plane, sphere, box
- Render to: PPM-file, window (SDL)
- noise3, turbulence, perlin-noise
GRT 0.2 Roadmap
Release date: August / September 2003
- Bounding volumes
- Debian package
- PNG support
- Octree
- Primitives: cylinder, torus, quadrics
- SBCL compatible
- Shader based architecture
- Simulated caustics
- Variable reflection
- Shaders: plastic, metal, glass, laquer
Feature Futures
- Adaptive supersampling
- Alternative highlight scheme (microfacets)
- Animation support: frames, time, temporal antialiasing (motion blur)
- Backwards raytracing (photons)
- Distributed raytracing (focal blur & blurred reflections)
- Dumping & loading of internal data structures
- Efficiency measures: light buffer, vista buffer
- Image formats: JPEG, TIFF
- Imports from foreign file formats (DXF, POV, etc)
- Interrupted / resumed rendering
- Lights: area, parallel, spot, fading
- Map-based patterns
- Non-affine transformations
- OpenGL preview
- Patterns: marble, wood, etc.
- Perturbated normals
- Primitives: cone, metaballs, mesh, SOR, lathe, text, patches, heightfield
- Single-sample soft shadows
- Splines
- Tesselation
- Volume rendering
Project Goals
Our short term goals are easily defined: they are listed as the roadmap for
the next release.
An important mid-term goal is to make GRT a good classical raytracer:
reasonably efficient, with a good selection of primitives, advanced
texturing capabilities, animation support, and probably integration of the
scripting environment with some GUI tools.
In the long run we hope that GRT will blossom into a powerful image
synthesis system, not "just" a raytracer: it is our wish to make
GRT capable of supporting a variety of rendering paradigms.
Simon Adameit: What I want is a superior rendering engine like
POV-Ray with cool shaders like RenderMan, and perhaps a GUI which combines
the strengths of editing scenes with a text editor and modelling with the
mouse - and all that written in lisp ;-)
Nikodemus Siivola: Personally, I consider GRT a blinding success
if it just becomes a halfway decent raytracer. Everything else must come
after that.