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3.13 Utilities

Grip utilities. The module is loaded by entering the following:

(use-modules (grip utils))

Procedures and Syntax


Procedures and Syntax

Procedure: displayln obj [port #f]

Returns nothing.

Calls display and newline upon obj and port if given (see Writing Scheme Values in Guile’s manual for a complete description of display and the set of options that affect its behavior).

Procedure: dimfi obj1 obj2 obj3 …

Returns its last argument.

dimfi works like Guile’s pk procedure, except that (a) it does not use ‘extra’ newlines between objects and (b) it only displays two semi-columns at the beginning of each line.

If the first argument is a port, then it is used as the output port, otherwise the output is sent to the current output port.

Procedure: and-l lst

Returns #t if every lst element is #t, otherwise it returns #f.

It is an error to call and-l upon an empty list.

Syntax: swap! var1 var2

Returns nothing.

Swaps the content of var1 and var2.