Grammatica Reference Manual

Apache Ant Interface

Grammatica can be run from Apache Ant. In order for Apache to find the Grammatica task, however, a simple task declaration is required. An example of such a task declaration is present in the figure below:

<taskdef name="grammatica"
         classpath="grammatica-1.4.jar" />

Figure 1. The Ant task declaration needed to make the grammatica task available.

The <grammatica> Task

The <grammatica> task allows the following attributes:

The grammar processing is defined in one or more subelements, such as <csharp>, <java>, or <validation>. At least one such subelement must be present, but multiple elements are also allowed.

The <csharp> Subelement

The <csharp> subelement controls the C# source code generation. It allows the following attributes:

The <java> Subelement

The <java> subelement controls the Java source code generation. It allows the following attributes:

The <validation> Element

The <validation> subelement allows for different tests and validations of the grammar and/or data files. It allows the following attributes:

Example Code

A simple example of how to use the Grammatica Ant task is shown in the figure below.

<grammatica grammar="simple.grammar">
  <java dir="src"
        public="true" />

Figure 2. A piece of simple Ant code for using Grammatica create a Java parser for simple.grammar.