the object holding the data concerning a irc fileserver so as all possible
actions and interactions with it.
Bruno Böttcher <bboett at adlp dot org>
parts of the code were extracted from leverlada v1 from I. Wronsky http://www.geocities.com/iwronsky/
Copyright (c) 2002 Bruno Boettcher, Igor Wronsky
fserverHandler.pm da is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2
of the License.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- status values
possible values for status
NULL == no status
0 == ready to do DIR
1 == reading in directory entries
2 == coming backwards in dirscan
3 == skip fserve lines on start
5 == wanting to send a command
6 == clear to send a command
7 == traverseTree to go somewhere
10 == Time to QUIT
11 == Waiting for file
12 == Receiving file
13 == parsing queue command (a bit broken, disabled)
- new
constructor for the new fserver handler object
- addTarget
add or update an entry in the command queue
- getTarget
find in the queue an entry matching that filename
modus: 0 = pass through the pattern, 1 = invalidate special chars
- getFuzzyTarget
try to find that queue applying some modifications on it, some
fservers change the name of the send file...
- getTargets
find all queue entrys matching that pattern
- getActives
find the requests and transfers and return them
- getRequests
find the requests and return them
- delQueues
delete all the queues
- delQueue
delete one queue invalidating patternactive stuff
- delQueueWithPattern
delete one queue
- restorequeue
repush the recorded send for a nick to the queue
priv func, called only inside leve, no more, called in leve_check_quit
- dcc_init
Ran when a dcc chat is activated, this installs
the dir stack and the filelist for $nick.
- dcc_chat
This function recursively browses through the fserve,
collecting its filelist, or sends our command, depending
on what we're doing.
parse the result of the queue command, trying to find the occurences
of own reqests
parse the result of the stats command, trying to find the occurences
of own reqests
- skipIntro
Reading directories, skip info lines given by fserve on start
- sendDir
Ask for directory listing of current dir
- parseDir
Reading directories, parse dir listing given by fserve
- nextdir
Pop the next directory from the nicks dir stack and
change into it
- sendquit
quit processing of a fserver
- skipToCmd
We want to send a command, but must skip still until [\]
- sendCmd
We want to send a request, server is ready to accept commands
- finalizeCmd
We have sent all the commands we want, time to quit
- changeDir
Reading directories, coming backwards
- handleUnexpected
parse the incoming line and check for unexpected stuff
- linesToSkip
parse the incoming line for stuff to ignore
- bannerDetected
a fserve banner was detected, check last activation, command list
and decide if to send out a cmd or refetch the dir list
- waiting
check if we have stuff queued and if we haven't exceeded the maximum
number of queues
- print_debug
print out the message into a log file, if the global debug var was set
- incrementQueue
seems we filled a queue on a server, increment the queue
with out an argument focibly increment the queu
- decrementQueue
seems we completed or lost a queue on a server, decrement the queue
called without argument frcibly reduce the queue count
- showHistory
show the history for this object
- clrHistory
show the history for this object
- makePattern
try to make a pattern out of a description
- addslashes
invalidate special chars
- record
record a logging line
- dumpSettings
dump the settings of a fserver
- checkRequestTmout
reset all requests that did timout
- reset
reset this fserver into idle mode
- nickchange
nick changes, eventually adjust triggers
- traverseTree
cd into the target dir'c
- checkTmout
check if this server run out of time
return 1 if this server is still busy
- cropTriggers
check the supplied triggers if they seemm valid, compile a new trigger vector
out of it and return it
- issueCommand
check the list of commands and issue a command if we are ready for it...
- fetchListDate
fetch the date of the last refresh
- prepareParsing
prepare this fserver object for eventual listing reparsing
- issueTrigger
on presence of triggers, we need to initiate the fetch
if there are triggers left, we need to get their listing
- dumpList
dump the list of recorded commands
- scedule
check if we need to scedule with the sceduler, otherwise do nothing
check if we have to deal with a silent server and this timer driven triggering
- isWaiting
perform the tests to check if the incoming line is indeed a waiting trasnfer,
and if it belongs into the correct channel, make exeption if there's no
channel or a wrong channel def given
- invalidateTrigger
perform the tests to check if the incoming line is indeed a waiting trasnfer, and if it belongs into the correct channel, make exeption if there's no channel or a wrong channel def given
I. Wronsky came up with this infernal concept and kludged
the first 1.x versions together. This gave B. Boettcher the incentive to begin this work, the famous itching paradigm!