The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC



FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ;
EXPORT QUALIFIED IntegerToString, StringToInteger,
                 StringToLongInteger, LongIntegerToString,
                 StringToCardinal, CardinalToString,
                 StringToLongCardinal, LongCardinalToString,
                 StringToShortCardinal, ShortCardinalToString,
                 StringToLongreal, LongrealToString,
                 stoi, itos, ctos, stoc, hstoi, ostoi, bstoi,
                 hstoc, ostoc, bstoc,
                 stor, stolr ;

   IntegerToString - converts INTEGER, i, into a String. The field with
                     can be specified if non zero. Leading characters
                     are defined by padding and this function will
                     prepend a + if sign is set to TRUE.
                     The base allows the caller to generate binary,
                     octal, decimal, hexidecimal numbers.
                     The value of lower is only used when hexidecimal
                     numbers are generated and if TRUE then digits
                     abcdef are used, and if FALSE then ABCDEF are used.

PROCEDURE IntegerToString (i: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR; sign: BOOLEAN;
                           base: CARDINAL; lower: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   CardinalToString - converts CARDINAL, c, into a String. The field
                      width can be specified if non zero. Leading
                      characters are defined by padding.
                      The base allows the caller to generate binary,
                      octal, decimal, hexidecimal numbers.
                      The value of lower is only used when hexidecimal
                      numbers are generated and if TRUE then digits
                      abcdef are used, and if FALSE then ABCDEF are used.

PROCEDURE CardinalToString (c: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR;
                            base: CARDINAL; lower: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   StringToInteger - converts a string, s, of, base, into an INTEGER.
                     Leading white space is ignored. It stops converting
                     when either the string is exhausted or if an illegal
                     numeral is found.
                     The parameter found is set TRUE if a number was found.

PROCEDURE StringToInteger (s: String; base: CARDINAL; VAR found: BOOLEAN) : INTEGER ;

   StringToCardinal - converts a string, s, of, base, into a CARDINAL.
                      Leading white space is ignored. It stops converting
                      when either the string is exhausted or if an illegal
                      numeral is found.
                      The parameter found is set TRUE if a number was found.

PROCEDURE StringToCardinal (s: String; base: CARDINAL; VAR found: BOOLEAN) : CARDINAL ;

   LongIntegerToString - converts LONGINT, i, into a String. The field with
                         can be specified if non zero. Leading characters
                         are defined by padding and this function will
                         prepend a + if sign is set to TRUE.
                         The base allows the caller to generate binary,
                         octal, decimal, hexidecimal numbers.
                         The value of lower is only used when hexidecimal
                         numbers are generated and if TRUE then digits
                         abcdef are used, and if FALSE then ABCDEF are used.

PROCEDURE LongIntegerToString (i: LONGINT; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR;
                               sign: BOOLEAN; base: CARDINAL; lower: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   StringToLongInteger - converts a string, s, of, base, into an LONGINT.
                         Leading white space is ignored. It stops converting
                         when either the string is exhausted or if an illegal
                         numeral is found.
                         The parameter found is set TRUE if a number was found.

PROCEDURE StringToLongInteger (s: String; base: CARDINAL; VAR found: BOOLEAN) : LONGINT ;

   LongCardinalToString - converts LONGCARD, c, into a String. The field
                          width can be specified if non zero. Leading
                          characters are defined by padding.
                          The base allows the caller to generate binary,
                          octal, decimal, hexidecimal numbers.
                          The value of lower is only used when hexidecimal
                          numbers are generated and if TRUE then digits
                          abcdef are used, and if FALSE then ABCDEF are used.

PROCEDURE LongCardinalToString (c: LONGCARD; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR;
                                base: CARDINAL; lower: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   StringToLongCardinal - converts a string, s, of, base, into a LONGCARD.
                          Leading white space is ignored. It stops converting
                          when either the string is exhausted or if an illegal
                          numeral is found.
                          The parameter found is set TRUE if a number was found.

PROCEDURE StringToLongCardinal (s: String; base: CARDINAL; VAR found: BOOLEAN) : LONGCARD ;

   ShortCardinalToString - converts SHORTCARD, c, into a String. The field
                           width can be specified if non zero. Leading
                           characters are defined by padding.
                           The base allows the caller to generate binary,
                           octal, decimal, hexidecimal numbers.
                           The value of lower is only used when hexidecimal
                           numbers are generated and if TRUE then digits
                           abcdef are used, and if FALSE then ABCDEF are used.

PROCEDURE ShortCardinalToString (c: SHORTCARD; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR;
                                 base: CARDINAL; lower: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   StringToShortCardinal - converts a string, s, of, base, into a SHORTCARD.
                           Leading white space is ignored. It stops converting
                           when either the string is exhausted or if an illegal
                           numeral is found.
                           The parameter found is set TRUE if a number was found.

PROCEDURE StringToShortCardinal (s: String; base: CARDINAL;
                                 VAR found: BOOLEAN) : SHORTCARD ;

   stoi - decimal string to INTEGER

PROCEDURE stoi (s: String) : INTEGER ;

   itos - integer to decimal string.

PROCEDURE itos (i: INTEGER; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR; sign: BOOLEAN) : String ;

   ctos - cardinal to decimal string.

PROCEDURE ctos (c: CARDINAL; width: CARDINAL; padding: CHAR) : String ;

   stoc - decimal string to CARDINAL

PROCEDURE stoc (s: String) : CARDINAL ;

   hstoi - hexidecimal string to INTEGER

PROCEDURE hstoi (s: String) : INTEGER ;

   ostoi - octal string to INTEGER

PROCEDURE ostoi (s: String) : INTEGER ;

   bstoi - binary string to INTEGER

PROCEDURE bstoi (s: String) : INTEGER ;

   hstoc - hexidecimal string to CARDINAL

PROCEDURE hstoc (s: String) : CARDINAL ;

   ostoc - octal string to CARDINAL

PROCEDURE ostoc (s: String) : CARDINAL ;

   bstoc - binary string to CARDINAL

PROCEDURE bstoc (s: String) : CARDINAL ;

   StringToLongreal - returns a LONGREAL and sets found to TRUE
                      if a legal number is seen.

PROCEDURE StringToLongreal (s: String; VAR found: BOOLEAN) : LONGREAL ;

   LongrealToString - converts a LONGREAL number, Real, which has,
                      TotalWidth, and FractionWidth into a string.

                      So for example:

                      LongrealToString(1.0, 4, 2)  -> '1.00'
                      LongrealToString(12.3, 5, 2) -> '12.30'
                      LongrealToString(12.3, 6, 2) -> ' 12.30'
                      LongrealToString(12.3, 6, 3) -> '12.300'

                      if total width is too small then the fraction
                      becomes truncated.

                      LongrealToString(12.3, 5, 3) -> '12.30'

                      If TotalWidth is 0 then the function
                      will return the value of x which is converted
                      into as a fixed point number with exhaustive

PROCEDURE LongrealToString (x: LONGREAL;
                            TotalWidth, FractionWidth: CARDINAL) : String ;

   stor - returns a REAL given a string.

PROCEDURE stor (s: String) : REAL ;

   stolr - returns a LONGREAL given a string.

PROCEDURE stolr (s: String) : LONGREAL ;

   ToSigFig - returns a floating point or base 10 integer
              string which is accurate to, n, significant
              figures.  It will return a new String
              and, s, will be destroyed.

              So:  12.345

              rounded to the following significant figures yields

              5      12.345
              4      12.34
              3      12.3
              2      12
              1      10

PROCEDURE ToSigFig (s: String; n: CARDINAL) : String ;

   ToDecimalPlaces - returns a floating point or base 10 integer
                     string which is accurate to, n, decimal
                     places.  It will return a new String
                     and, s, will be destroyed.
                     Decimal places yields, n, digits after
                     the .

                     So:  12.345

                     rounded to the following decimal places yields

                     5      12.34500
                     4      12.3450
                     3      12.345
                     2      12.34
                     1      12.3

PROCEDURE ToDecimalPlaces (s: String; n: CARDINAL) : String ;

END StringConvert.