The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC



                   tcpServerEstablish, tcpServerEstablishPort,
                   tcpServerAccept, getLocalIP,
                   tcpServerPortNo, tcpServerIP, tcpServerSocketFd,
                   tcpServerClientIP, tcpServerClientPortNo,
                   tcpClientSocket, tcpClientSocketIP, tcpClientConnect,
                   tcpClientPortNo, tcpClientIP, tcpClientSocketFd ;


   tcpServerState = ADDRESS ;

   tcpClientState = ADDRESS ;

   tcpServerEstablish - returns a tcpState containing the relevant
                        information about a socket declared to receive
                        tcp connections.

PROCEDURE tcpServerEstablish () : tcpServerState ;

   tcpServerEstablishPort - returns a tcpState containing the relevant
                            information about a socket declared to recieve
                            tcp connections. This method attempts to use
                            the port specified by the parameter.

PROCEDURE tcpServerEstablishPort (port: CARDINAL) : tcpServerState ;

   tcpServerAccept - returns a file descriptor once a client has connected and
                     been accepted.

PROCEDURE tcpServerAccept (s: tcpServerState) : INTEGER ;

   tcpServerPortNo - returns the portNo from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpServerPortNo (s: tcpServerState) : CARDINAL ;

   tcpSocketFd - returns the sockFd from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpServerSocketFd (s: tcpServerState) : INTEGER ;

   getLocalIP - returns the IP address of this machine.

PROCEDURE getLocalIP (s: tcpServerState) : CARDINAL ;

   tcpServerIP - returns the IP address from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpServerIP (s: tcpServerState) : CARDINAL ;

   tcpServerClientIP - returns the IP address of the client who
                       has connected to server, s.

PROCEDURE tcpServerClientIP (s: tcpServerState) : CARDINAL ;

   tcpServerClientPortNo - returns the port number of the client who
                           has connected to server, s.

PROCEDURE tcpServerClientPortNo (s: tcpServerState) : CARDINAL ;

   tcpClientSocket - returns a file descriptor (socket) which has
                     connected to, serverName:portNo.

PROCEDURE tcpClientSocket (serverName: ADDRESS; portNo: CARDINAL) : tcpClientState ;

   tcpClientSocketIP - returns a file descriptor (socket) which has
                       connected to, ip:portNo.

PROCEDURE tcpClientSocketIP (ip: CARDINAL; portNo: CARDINAL) : tcpClientState ;

   tcpClientConnect - returns the file descriptor associated with, s,
                      once a connect has been performed.

PROCEDURE tcpClientConnect (s: tcpClientState) : INTEGER ;

   tcpClientPortNo - returns the portNo from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpClientPortNo (s: tcpClientState) : INTEGER ;

   tcpClientSocketFd - returns the sockFd from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpClientSocketFd (s: tcpClientState) : INTEGER ;

   tcpClientIP - returns the IP address from structure, s.

PROCEDURE tcpClientIP (s: tcpClientState) : CARDINAL ;

END sckt.