The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC



EXPORT QUALIFIED Index, InitIndex, KillIndex, GetIndice, PutIndice,
                 HighIndice, LowIndice, InBounds, IsIndiceInIndex,
                 RemoveIndiceFromIndex, IncludeIndiceIntoIndex,
                 ForeachIndiceInIndexDo, DeleteIndice, DebugIndex ;


   Index ;

   IndexProcedure = PROCEDURE (ADDRESS) ;

   InitIndex - creates and returns an Index.

PROCEDURE InitIndex (low: CARDINAL) : Index ;

   KillIndex - returns Index to free storage.

PROCEDURE KillIndex (i: Index) : Index ;

   DebugIndex - turns on debugging within an index.

PROCEDURE DebugIndex (i: Index) : Index ;

   InBounds - returns TRUE if indice, n, is within the bounds
              of the dynamic array.

PROCEDURE InBounds (i: Index; n: CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN ;

   HighIndice - returns the last legally accessible indice of this array.

PROCEDURE HighIndice (i: Index) : CARDINAL ;

   LowIndice - returns the first legally accessible indice of this array.

PROCEDURE LowIndice (i: Index) : CARDINAL ;

   PutIndice - places, a, into the dynamic array at position i[n]

PROCEDURE PutIndice (i: Index; n: CARDINAL; a: ADDRESS) ;

   GetIndice - retrieves, element i[n] from the dynamic array.

PROCEDURE GetIndice (i: Index; n: CARDINAL) : ADDRESS ;

   IsIndiceInIndex - returns TRUE if, a, is in the index, i.

PROCEDURE IsIndiceInIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) : BOOLEAN ;

   RemoveIndiceFromIndex - removes, a, from Index, i.

PROCEDURE RemoveIndiceFromIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) ;

   DeleteIndice - delete i[j] from the array.

PROCEDURE DeleteIndice (i: Index; j: CARDINAL) ;

   IncludeIndiceIntoIndex - if the indice is not in the index, then
                            add it at the end.

PROCEDURE IncludeIndiceIntoIndex (i: Index; a: ADDRESS) ;

   ForeachIndiceInIndexDo - for each j indice of i, call procedure p(i[j])

PROCEDURE ForeachIndiceInIndexDo (i: Index; p: IndexProcedure) ;

END Indexing.