The GNU Modula-2 front end to GCC



(*  Use this module sparingly, FIO or the ISO file modules have a
    much cleaner interface.  *)

FROM DynamicStrings IMPORT String ;

EXPORT QUALIFIED File, Response, Flag, FlagSet,

                 Create, Close, Lookup, Rename, Delete,
                 SetRead, SetWrite, SetModify, SetOpen,
                 Doio, SetPos, GetPos, Length, Reset,

                 ReadWord, ReadChar, ReadByte, ReadNBytes,
                 WriteWord, WriteChar, WriteByte, WriteNBytes ;


   File = RECORD
             res     : Response ;
             flags   : FlagSet ;
             eof     : BOOLEAN ;
             lastWord: WORD ;
             lastByte: BYTE ;
             fio     : FIO.File ;
             lowpos  : CARDINAL ;
             name    : String ;

          END ;

   Flag = (
           read,        (* read access mode *)
           write,       (* write access mode *)
           truncate,    (* truncate file when closed *)
           again,       (* reread the last character *)
           temporary,   (* file is temporary *)
           opened       (* file has been opened *)

   FlagSet = SET OF Flag;

   Response = (done, notdone, notsupported, callerror,
               unknownfile, paramerror, toomanyfiles,

               userdeverror) ;

   Command = (create, close, lookup, rename, delete,
              setread, setwrite, setmodify, setopen,
              doio, setpos, getpos, length) ;

   Create - creates a temporary file. To make the file perminant
            the file must be renamed.

PROCEDURE Create (VAR f: File) ;

   Close - closes an open file.

PROCEDURE Close (f: File) ;

   Lookup - looks for a file, filename. If the file is found
            then, f, is opened. If it is not found and, newFile,
            is TRUE then a new file is created and attached to, f.
            If, newFile, is FALSE and no file was found then f.res
            is set to notdone.

PROCEDURE Lookup (VAR f: File; filename: ARRAY OF CHAR; newFile: BOOLEAN) ;

   Rename - rename a file and change a temporary file to a permanent
            file. f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE Rename (VAR f: File; newname: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;

   Delete - deletes a file, name, and sets the f.res field.
            f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE Delete (name: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR f: File) ;

   ReadWord - reads a WORD, w, from file, f.
              f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE ReadWord (VAR f: File; VAR w: WORD) ;

   WriteWord - writes one word to a file, f.
               f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE WriteWord (VAR f: File; w: WORD) ;

   ReadChar - reads one character from a file, f.

PROCEDURE ReadChar (VAR f: File; VAR ch: CHAR) ;

   WriteChar - writes a character, ch, to a file, f.
               f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE WriteChar (VAR f: File; ch: CHAR) ;

   ReadByte - reads a BYTE, b, from file, f.
              f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE ReadByte (VAR f: File; VAR b: BYTE) ;

   WriteByte - writes one BYTE, b, to a file, f.
               f.res is set appropriately.

PROCEDURE WriteByte (VAR f: File; b: BYTE) ;

   ReadNBytes - reads a sequence of bytes from a file, f.

PROCEDURE ReadNBytes (VAR f: File; a: ADDRESS; amount: CARDINAL;
                      VAR actuallyRead: CARDINAL) ;

   WriteNBytes - writes a sequence of bytes to file, f.

PROCEDURE WriteNBytes (VAR f: File; a: ADDRESS; amount: CARDINAL;
                       VAR actuallyWritten: CARDINAL) ;

   Again - returns the last character read to the internal buffer
           so that it can be read again.

PROCEDURE Again (VAR f: File) ;

   SetRead - puts the file, f, into the read state.
             The file position is unchanged.

PROCEDURE SetRead (VAR f: File) ;

   SetWrite - puts the file, f, into the write state.
              The file position is unchanged.

PROCEDURE SetWrite (VAR f: File) ;

   SetModify - puts the file, f, into the modify state.
               The file position is unchanged but the file can be
               read and written.

PROCEDURE SetModify (VAR f: File) ;

   SetOpen - places a file, f, into the open state. The file may
             have been in the read/write/modify state before and
             in which case the previous buffer contents are flushed
             and the file state is reset to open. The position is

PROCEDURE SetOpen (VAR f: File) ;

   Reset - places a file, f, into the open state and reset the
           position to the start of the file.

PROCEDURE Reset (VAR f: File) ;

   SetPos - lseek to a position within a file.

PROCEDURE SetPos (VAR f: File; high, low: CARDINAL) ;

   GetPos - return the position within a file.

PROCEDURE GetPos (VAR f: File; VAR high, low: CARDINAL) ;

   Length - returns the length of file, in, high, and, low.

PROCEDURE Length (VAR f: File; VAR high, low: CARDINAL) ;

   Doio - effectively flushes a file in write mode, rereads the
          current buffer from disk if in read mode and writes
          and rereads the buffer if in modify mode.

PROCEDURE Doio (VAR f: File) ;

   FileNameChar - checks to see whether the character, ch, is
                  legal in a filename. nul is returned if the
                  character was illegal.

PROCEDURE FileNameChar (ch: CHAR) ;

END FileSystem.