(* This module allows concurrent algorithms to be expressed using
processes. A process is a unit of a program that has the
potential to run in parallel with other processes.
ProcessId; (* Used to identify processes *)
Parameter = SYSTEM.ADDRESS; (* Used to pass data between processes *)
Body = PROC; (* Used as the type of a process body *)
Urgency = INTEGER; (* Used by the internal scheduler *)
Sources = CARDINAL; (* Used to identify event sources *)
ProcessesExceptions = (* Exceptions raised by this module *)
(passiveProgram, processError);
(* The following procedures create processes and switch control between
them. *)
PROCEDURE Create (procBody: Body; extraSpace: CARDINAL; procUrg: Urgency;
procParams: Parameter; VAR procId: ProcessId);
(* Creates a new process with procBody as its body, and with urgency
and parameters given by procUrg and procParams. At least as
much workspace (in units of SYSTEM.LOC) as is specified by
extraSpace is allocated to the process.
An identity for the new process is returned in procId.
The process is created in the passive state; it will not run
until activated.
PROCEDURE Start (procBody: Body; extraSpace: CARDINAL; procUrg: Urgency;
procParams: Parameter; VAR procId: ProcessId);
(* Creates a new process, with parameters as for Create.
The process is created in the ready state; it is eligible to
run immediately.
(* Terminates the calling process.
The process must not be associated with a source of events.
PROCEDURE SuspendMe ();
(* Causes the calling process to enter the passive state. The
procedure only returns when the calling process is again
activated by another process.
PROCEDURE Activate (procId: ProcessId);
(* Causes the process identified by procId to enter the ready
state, and thus to become eligible to run again.
PROCEDURE SuspendMeAndActivate (procId: ProcessId);
(* Executes an atomic sequence of SuspendMe() and
Activate(procId). *)
PROCEDURE Switch (procId: ProcessId; VAR info: Parameter);
(* Causes the calling process to enter the passive state; the
process identified by procId becomes the currently executing
process. info is used to pass parameter information from the
calling to the activated process. On return, info will
contain information from the process that chooses to switch
back to this one (or will be NIL if Activate or
SuspendMeAndActivate are used instead of Switch).
(* Causes the calling process to enter the waiting state.
The procedure will return when the calling process is
activated by another process, or when one of its associated
eventSources has generated an event.
(* The following procedures allow the association of processes
with sources of external events.
PROCEDURE Attach (eventSource: Sources);
(* Associates the specified eventSource with the calling
process. *)
PROCEDURE Detach (eventSource: Sources);
(* Dissociates the specified eventSource from the program. *)
PROCEDURE IsAttached (eventSource: Sources): BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if and only if the specified eventSource is
currently associated with one of the processes of the
PROCEDURE Handler (eventSource: Sources): ProcessId;
(* Returns the identity of the process, if any, that is
associated with the specified eventSource.
(* The following procedures allow processes to obtain their
identity, parameters, and urgency.
PROCEDURE Me (): ProcessId;
(* Returns the identity of the calling process (as assigned
when the process was first created).
PROCEDURE MyParam (): Parameter;
(* Returns the value specified as procParams when the calling
process was created. *)
PROCEDURE UrgencyOf (procId: ProcessId): Urgency;
(* Returns the urgency established when the process identified
by procId was first created.
(* The following procedure provides facilities for exception
handlers. *)
PROCEDURE ProcessesException (): ProcessesExceptions;
(* If the current coroutine is in the exceptional execution state
because of the raising of a language exception, returns the
corresponding enumeration value, and otherwise raises an
PROCEDURE IsProcessesException (): BOOLEAN;
(* Returns TRUE if the current coroutine is in the exceptional
execution state because of the raising of an exception in
a routine from this module; otherwise returns FALSE.
Reschedule - rotates the ready queue and transfers to the process
with the highest run priority.
PROCEDURE Reschedule ;
displayProcesses -
PROCEDURE displayProcesses (message: ARRAY OF CHAR) ;
END Processes.