Query: [dire straits___________________________] │Users online: 8          Realm: [everything_____________________________] Search nodes: 3          │                                                  │Other nodes: 8          │ [ Start search ]                                 │Total shared:  24GB/5392 [ Stop search ]                                  Local shares:  24GB/5392 └──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘└──────────────────────────┘
┌─┤Search Results├─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
│   3   7.5M (Dire Straits)-tunnel of love.mp3                                 │
│   3   5.2M (Dire Straits)-sultans of swing.mp3                               │
│   3   3.1M (Dire Straits)-twisting by the pool.mp3                           │
│   2    11M (Dire Straits)-once upon a time in the west.mp3                   │
│   2    10M (Dire Straits)-telegraph road.mp3                                 │
│   2   7.7M (Dire Straits)-why worry.mp3                                      │
│   2   7.7M (Dire Straits)-money for nothing.mp3                              │
│   2   6.9M (Dire Straits)-private investigations.mp3                         │
│   2   6.3M (Dire Straits)-ride across the river.mp3                          │
│   2   6.0M (Dire Straits)-your latest trick.mp3                              │
│   2   5.8M (Dire Straits)-calling elvis.mp3                                  │
│   2   5.4M (Dire Straits)-romeo and juliet.mp3                               │
│   2   4.9M (Dire Straits)-water of love.mp3                                  │
│   2   4.7M (Dire Straits)-Far Away.MP3                                       │
│   2   4.7M (Dire Straits)-so far away.mp3                                    │
│   2   4.6M (Dire Straits)-on every street.mp3                                │
│   2   4.5M (Dire Straits)-heavy fuel.mp3                                     │
│   2   4.4M (Dire Straits)-brothers in arms.mp3                               │
│   2   4.2M (Dire Straits)-the man's too strong.mp3                           │
│   2   3.9M (Dire Straits)-the bug.mp3                                        │
│   2   3.8M (Dire Straits)-walk of life.mp3                                   │
│   2   3.6M (Dire Straits)-down to the waterline.mp3                          │
│   2   3.5M (Dire Straits)-fade to black.mp3                                  │
│   2   3.3M (Dire Straits)-one world.mp3                                      │
└── 10/31 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
Search complete. We got 31 unique hits.