Chapter 2. Usage

2.1. Color Schemes

Several color schemes are available:

No colors

All buttons are grey.


Conventional colors are used.

Physical state

The color of the button depends on the physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) of the element at a given temperature. This temperature can be changed using the horizontal scale.

Figure 2-1. Physical state color scheme

Elements with a black background indicate that the state is unknown at the given temperature.


The data used are the element family as given in the Blue Obelisk Data Repository.

Figure 2-2. Family color scheme

If a family is selected, only elements of this family will be displayed with their family color used as a background. Other elements will have a black background.


The data used are the Pauling electronegativity as given in the Blue Obelisk Data Repository. Colors go from red (lowest electronegativity) to blue (highest electronegativity). If no data is available in the database, the element will have a black background.

Figure 2-3. Electronegativity color scheme

Atomic radius

The data used are the atomic radii as given in the Blue Obelisk Data Repository. Colors go from red (lowest radius) to blue (largest radius). If no data is available in the database, the element will have a black background.

Figure 2-4. Atomic radius color scheme


Elements buttons are colored according to the block (s, p, d, or f) to which the element belongs

Figure 2-5. Block color scheme