

Newer Fritz!Box-models have the feature to provide a phone book which can be exported as a xml-file. FritzContact provides the Android plattform the ability to import these contacts stored as a xml-file on a SD-card. It will parse the xml-file and displays its content as a list. The user can select those contacts which shall be added to the local contact list on the phone.


Optional requirements


Export the XML-file

Newer Fritz!Box models manage contacts by providing an internal phone book. This phone book can be exported an stored in a xml-file on your local computer. You can save this xml-file on the SD-card of your phone.

Installing FritzContact

FritzContact is available on the project site as an '.apk'-file. You can install the app by pushing the file on the SD-card an navigating a file-browser to the apk-file.

Running FritzContact

The design is pretty straight-forward. In the first screen, you have to pass the filename of the xml-file to parse. If you have installed the OI File Manager, you can use it to navigate to the file. Otherwise, you can change the filepath manually. The second screen will show you all contacts which could be extracted. Notice that the program ommits internal contacts like '*600' for Fritz!Box's answer machine. By pressing the menu-button, you can deselct/deselect all contacts. Finally, you can import the contacts. The app skips all contacts with a phone number which is already listed in your contacts. The new contacts are stored locally on your phone (not synced with any google account).

Tested with


Market Places

The app is currently not on the official Android market available. But I have published the app on the following locations: