Free High School Science Texts

Free High School Science Texts
RW James Building, University of Cape Town
Rondebosch 7701, South Africa

+27 21 650 3366
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What is the Free High School Science Textbook?
The FHSST is the contribution of a group of young scientists towards furthering science education in South Africa. We aim to provide a free science textbook for Grades 10 - 12 to all South African learners.

Read our textbooks
Life Sciences
Cover coming soon
Computer Literacy

Visit our project administration web pages hosted on Savannah.

General editorial guidelines for authors contributing to the FHSST project

Download the PDF Version of these Guidelines
  • Chapters should begin with a brief introduction and motivation for the chapter.
  • With regards general editing:
    • Units and indices: write $m.s^{-1}$ or $m/s$ not $\frac{m}{s}$, and use maths mode (i.e. $km$ not km)
    • Notation: Vectors should be capped with arrows (i.e. $\overrightarrow{F}$), while $F$ denotes a magnitude only
    • Use boldface to highlight directions of vectors
  • All important definitions should be placed in a definition box:

    Latex Source:

    \textbf{Definition:} {\em Displacement} is defined as the magnitude
    and direction\\
    of the straight line joining one's starting point to one's final\\


  • Put very important comments in a margin box:

    Latex Source:

    Using vectors is \\
    an important \\
    skill you \textbf{MUST}\\


  • Put text boxes around important equations together with key:

    Latex Source:

    \multicolumn{2}{c}{$\overrightarrow{p} = m\overrightarrow{v}$}\\
    $\overrightarrow{p}$&: momentum ($kg.m.s^{-1}$ + direction)\\
    $m$&: mass ($kg$)\\
    $\overrightarrow{v}$&: velocity ($m.s^{-1}$ + direction)\\


  • Typical exam-type questions should be included as worked examples. Worked examples should be added using the physics worked example environment `pwex'. A title must be specified for the worked example and answers should be broken down into logical steps each beginning with the `step' command. Keep the explanations of each step concise without loss of clarity (we don't want to scare learners off with lengthy solutions-- it looks intimidating):

    Latex Source:

    \begin{pwex}{Subtracting vectors algebraically I}
    \textbf{Question:} Suppose that a tennis ball is thrown horizontally
    towards a wall at $3m.s^{-1}$ to the right. After striking the wall,
    the ball returns to the thrower at $2m.s^{-1}$. Determine the change
    in velocity of the ball.

    Remember that velocity is a vector. The change in the velocity of the
    ball is equal to the difference between the ball's initial and final
    \Delta\overrightarrow{v} & = & \overrightarrow{v}_{final} -

    Since the ball moves along a straight line (i.e. left and right), we
    can use the algebraic technique of vector subtraction just discussed.

    Let's make to the right the \textbf{positive}
    direction. This means that to the left becomes the \textbf{negative}

    With right positive:
    \overrightarrow{v}_{initial} & = & +3m.s^{-1} \\
    & and & \\
    \overrightarrow{v}_{final} & = & -2m.s^{-1}

    Thus, the change in velocity of the ball is:

    \Delta\overrightarrow{v} & = & (-2m.s^{-1}) - (+3m.s^{-1}) \\
    & = & (-5)m.s^{-1}
    Remember that in this case \underline{right means positive} so:
    \Delta\overrightarrow{v} & = & 5m.s^{-1} \rm{\bf \ to \ the \ \emph{left}}



  • Remember to include interesting facts in your chapters. Use a `psshadowbox' for this:

    Latex Source:

    \textbf{Interesting fact}: The word `electron' comes from the Greek
    word for \\
    amber! The ancient Greeks observed that if you rubbed a
    piece of amber,\\
    you could use it to pick up bits of straw. (Attractive
    electrostatic force!)\\


  • Each chapter should have a conclusion.
  • Each chapter should end with a summary of the important definitions, quantities and equations introduced in the chapter:

    Latex Source:

    \section{Summary of Important Quantities, Equations and Concepts}

    \begin{tabular}{|c|c|ccc|c|}\hline \hline
    Quantity & Symbol &
    \multicolumn{3}{c|}{S.I. Units}
    & Direction\\ \hline
    Momentum & $\overrightarrow{p}$ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$kg.m.s^{-1}$}
    & \checkmark\\ \hline
    Mass & $m$ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$kg$} & --- \\\hline
    Velocity & $\overrightarrow{u}$,$\overrightarrow{v}$ &
    \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$m.s^{-1}$} & \checkmark \\ \hline
    Change in momentum & $\Delta \overrightarrow{p}$ &
    \multicolumn{3}{c|}{$kg.m.s^{-1}$} & \checkmark\\ \hline
    Force & $\overrightarrow{F}$ & $kg.m.s^{-2}$ & \textbf{or} & $N$ & \checkmark \\\hline
    Impulse & --- & $kg.m.s^{-1}$ & \textbf{or} & $N.s$ & \checkmark\\ \hline\hline
    \caption{Summary of the symbols and units of the quantities used in \textbf{Momentum} } \label{table:momemtum::units}

    \item[Momentum] The {\em momentum} of an object is defined as its
    mass multiplied by its velocity.
    \item[Momentum of a System] The {\em total momentum of a system}
    is the sum of the momenta of each of the objects in the system.
    \item[Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum:] `The total linear
    momentum of an isolated system is constant' or `In an isolated
    system the total momentum before a collision (or explosion) is equal
    to the total momentum after the collision (or explosion)'.
    \item[Law of Momentum:] The applied resultant force acting on an
    object is equal to the rate of change of the object's momentum and
    this force is in the direction of the change in momentum.
