
RW James Building, University of Cape Town
Rondebosch 7701, South Africa
+27 21 650 3366 NPO Registration Number: 037-269-NPO
What is the Free High School Science Textbook? |
The FHSST is the contribution of a group of young scientists towards furthering science education in South Africa. We aim to provide a free science textbook for Grades 10 - 12 to all South African learners. |
Administration |
Visit our project administration web pages hosted on Savannah. |
What do we mean by "free"?
The word "free" has 2 meanings... the kind of free where you do not have to pay for something and free, the state of freedom.
These books intend to be both ... we want it to be distributed at no cost, and we also want teachers to have the freedom to change it as much as they want to suit their classroom, without having any copyright problems to worry about.
For this reason we decided to license the book under the GNU FDL which allows distribution of the book in any format and for any price (even for no price). Anyone can add or remove content, but when they do this, they must be willing to distribute any derivative works under the GNU FDL, which we may then add to our book if we think it is a good idea.
This philosophy is an extension of the one which Richard Stallman had imagined when he set out to create a free operating system. that free operating system is now known as GNU/Linux (often incorrectly called