The Savannah side of this website, where you can find CVS access and the mailing lists, can be found at

June 10th, 2002: Implimented a dirty-update renderer today. Very little changed, except for that number in the bottom-left corner. :)

June 8th, 2002: You can see a crude menu has been added.

June 2nd, 2002: Very little visibly changed here. I think the mouse cursor was made to show the current track to be layed.

May 29th, 2002: You can now lay tracks, and a simple train will follow them. There's also some more roads in the air, and a tree demonstrating that the renderer sorts tiles wrong.

May 28th, 2002: The larger hill has been added.

May 27th, 2002: First version. You can see rails on a small hill, and roads on a non-existant larger hill.