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5.11 Minibuffer

The minibuffer provides a rich interactive textual input system. It offers TAB completion and history. The implementation of it inherits from the <text-buffer>.

Class: <minibuffer>
Variable: minibuffer-local-map

We define a keymap with all the typical self-insert-commands that would be expected in an editable buffer

Variable: minibuffer
Variable: emacsy-display-minibuffer?
Variable: ticks-per-second
Variable: minibuffer-history

When we show the minibuffer, we’ll show the prompt, the contents (user editable), and the minibuffer-message if applicable.

Scheme Procedure: buffer:buffer-string (buffer <minibuffer>)
Scheme Procedure: minibuffer-contents #:optional (buffer minibuffer)
Scheme Procedure: delete-minibuffer-contents #:optional (buffer minibuffer)
Scheme Procedure: minibuffer-message string . args

5.11.1 read-from-minibuffer

history can be #f, a symbol, or a <cursor-list>.

Scheme Procedure: try-completion string collection #:optional (predicate (const #t))
Scheme Procedure: all-completions string collection #:optional (predicate (const #t))
Scheme Procedure: collection->completer collection #:optional (predicate (const #t))
Scheme Procedure: completing-read prompt collection #:key predicate (const #t) (require-match? #f) (initial-input #f) (history (what-command-am-i?)) (to-string #f)
Scheme Procedure: apropos-module rgx module
Scheme Procedure: command-completion-function text cont?

We want to be able to look up file names.

Scheme Procedure: expand-file-name file-name
Scheme Procedure: files-in-dir dirname
Scheme Procedure: canonize-file-name name
Scheme Procedure: read-file-name prompt #:key dir default-file-name initial predicate history
Variable: default-directory
Variable: file-name-completion-function

5.11.2 Minibuffer History

Scheme Procedure: make-history #:optional (list (quote )) (index #f)
Scheme Procedure: history-insert! history value
Scheme Procedure: history-ref history
Scheme Procedure: history-set! history value
Interactive Procedure: exit-minibuffer
Interactive Procedure: minibuffer-complete
Interactive Procedure: next-match
Interactive Procedure: previous-match
Interactive Procedure: minibuffer-complete-word
Interactive Procedure: minibuffer-completion-help

Some commands for manipulating the minibuffer history.

Interactive Procedure: previous-history-element #:optional (n 1)

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