32.7. The Init File, ~/.emacs

When Emacs is started, it normally loads a Lisp program from the file .emacs or .emacs.el in your home directory. We call this file your init file because it specifies how to initialize Emacs for you. You can use the command line switch -q to prevent loading your init file, and -u (or -user) to specify a different user's init file (Chapter 6).

There can also be a default init file, which is the library named default.el, found via the standard search path for libraries. The Emacs distribution contains no such library; your site may create one for local customizations. If this library exists, it is loaded whenever you start Emacs (except when you specify -q). But your init file, if any, is loaded first; if it sets inhibit-default-init non-nil, then default is not loaded.

Your site may also have a site startup file; this is named site-start.el, if it exists. Emacs loads this library before it loads your init file. To inhibit loading of this library, use the option -no-site-file. Section B.2.

If you have a large amount of code in your .emacs file, you should rename it to ~/.emacs.el, and byte-compile it. , for more information about compiling Emacs Lisp programs.

If you are going to write actual Emacs Lisp programs that go beyond minor customization, you should read the [Emacs Lisp Reference Manual]. .

32.7.1. Init File Syntax

The .emacs file contains one or more Lisp function call expressions. Each of these consists of a function name followed by arguments, all surrounded by parentheses. For example, (setq fill-column 60) calls the function setq to set the variable fill-column (Section 23.5) to 60.

The second argument to setq is an expression for the new value of the variable. This can be a constant, a variable, or a function call expression. In .emacs, constants are used most of the time. They can be:


Numbers are written in decimal, with an optional initial minus sign.


Lisp string syntax is the same as C string syntax with a few extra features. Use a double-quote character to begin and end a string constant.

In a string, you can include newlines and special characters literally. But often it is cleaner to use backslash sequences for them: \n for newline, \b for backspace, \r for carriage return, \t for tab, \f for formfeed (control-L), \e for escape, \\ for a backslash, \" for a double-quote, or \ooo for the character whose octal code is ooo. Backslash and double-quote are the only characters for which backslash sequences are mandatory.

\C- can be used as a prefix for a control character, as in \C-s for ASCII control-S, and \M- can be used as a prefix for a Meta character, as in \M-a for Meta-A or \M-\C-a for Control-Meta-A.


Lisp character constant syntax consists of a ? followed by either a character or an escape sequence starting with \. Examples: ?x, ?\n, ?\", ?\). Note that strings and characters are not interchangeable in Lisp; some contexts require one and some contexts require the other.


t stands for `true'.


nil stands for `false'.

Other Lisp objects:

Write a single-quote (') followed by the Lisp object you want.

32.7.2. Init File Examples

Here are some examples of doing certain commonly desired things with Lisp expressions:

32.7.3. Terminal-specific Initialization

Each terminal type can have a Lisp library to be loaded into Emacs when it is run on that type of terminal. For a terminal type named termtype, the library is called term/termtype and it is found by searching the directories load-path as usual and trying the suffixes .elc and .el. Normally it appears in the subdirectory term of the directory where most Emacs libraries are kept.

The usual purpose of the terminal-specific library is to map the escape sequences used by the terminal's function keys onto more meaningful names, using function-key-map. See the file term/lk201.el for an example of how this is done. Many function keys are mapped automatically according to the information in the Termcap data base; the terminal-specific library needs to map only the function keys that Termcap does not specify.

When the terminal type contains a hyphen, only the part of the name before the first hyphen is significant in choosing the library name. Thus, terminal types aaa-48 and aaa-30-rv both use the library term/aaa. The code in the library can use (getenv "TERM") to find the full terminal type name.

The library's name is constructed by concatenating the value of the variable term-file-prefix and the terminal type. Your .emacs file can prevent the loading of the terminal-specific library by setting term-file-prefix to nil.

Emacs runs the hook term-setup-hook at the end of initialization, after both your .emacs file and any terminal-specific library have been read in. Add hook functions to this hook if you wish to override part of any of the terminal-specific libraries and to define initializations for terminals that do not have a library. Section 32.2.3.

32.7.4. How Emacs Finds Your Init File

Normally Emacs uses the environment variable HOME to find .emacs; that's what ~ means in a file name. But if you have done su, Emacs tries to find your own .emacs, not that of the user you are currently pretending to be. The idea is that you should get your own editor customizations even if you are running as the super user.

More precisely, Emacs first determines which user's init file to use. It gets the user name from the environment variables LOGNAME and USER; if neither of those exists, it uses effective user-ID. If that user name matches the real user-ID, then Emacs uses HOME; otherwise, it looks up the home directory corresponding to that user name in the system's data base of users.