1.0 Document id

1.1 Description

Copyright © 1995-2007 Jari Aalto

License: This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in GNU General Public License v2 or later; or, at your option, distributed under the terms of GNU Free Documentation License version 1.2 or later (GNU FDL).

This document explains how do you deal with Emacs key bindings. In addition, you will find step by step how you use your X window's xmodmap program to start using emacs better in X. Document also explains how to set up special xterm for telnet connections – running remote emacs with transparent key binding. Finally includes many ready examples and questions and answers compiled from Usenet emacs newsgroups.

1.2 Required pre-knowledge

You have to know enough about basic emacs commands; E.g. what is local-set-key global-set-key and what's that M-x. Refer to Emacs info pages (C-h i) for these matters. For the case study: I expect you to know enough elisp and enough about Unix programming to read presented code fluently.

1.3 Credits

Many thanks to a fellow worker Uwe Geuder, who explained me how to deal with keys in X-environment. Without him I would be still using remote, but crippled emacs interface and you wouldn't be reading the case study results or the xmodmap explanation.

2.0 Various binding methods

2.1 Foreword to different emacs platforms

The old Emacs C-A-S-H-M modifiers map to new syntax like this:

      old Emacs       Emacs 19.30+ and XEmacs19.14+
      [C-tab]         [(control tab)]
      [A-1]           [(alt ?1)]
      [S-up]          [(shift up)]
      [H-prior]       [(hyper prior)]   ;; in HP prior = PgUp
      [M-f1]          [(meta f1)]    

The [()] syntax works fine between the Emacs and XEmacs, but symbol names for mouse differ:

      [(control shift mouse-1)]       ;; Emacs name:  mouse-1
      [(control shift button1)]       ;; XEmacs name: button1    

2.2 Emacs versions and key binding syntax compatibility table:

      m-1     : recognizes Emacs  styled mouse binding, mouse-1
      b1      : recognizes XEmacs styled mouse binding, button1
      r-k-m   : `read-kbd-macro'
      kdb     : New function `kbd' substitutes `read-kbd-macro'
      _yes    : works 95% , but there are known bugs.

      style:              []    [()]  m-1   b1    r-k-m  kbd
      Emacs   19.28-30    yes   no    yes   no    no     no
      Emacs   19.31-33    yes   yes   yes   no    bugs   no
      Emacs   19.34       yes   yes   yes   no    _yes   no
      Emacs   20.1-3      yes   yes   yes   ?     yes    yes
      XEmacs  19.13-14    no    yes   no    yes   no     no
      XEmacs  19.15-16    no    yes   _yes  yes   yes    no
      XEmacs  20.2-5      no    yes   yes   yes   yes    yes

[SL Baur steve@xemacs.org] There is no XEmacs 20.1. There are two flavors of XEmacs 20.0 floating around. They are not compatible. One is more like XEmacs 19.14 (the one on the Sun CD), the other (the 'net released one) is more like XEmacs 19.15/16. Note that the form [C-A-S-H-M] will never be supported by XEmacs.

2.3 Ethics – what is the correct way?

I'm totally confused. What binding method should I use?

Please don't fell into despair. Things are not black or white and people have different habits and not everyone are interested in XEmacs and Emacs compatibility issues. Spend a while examining these bindings.

      (global-set-key         "\C-xm"         'ignore)
      (define-key global-map  "\C-xm"         'ignore)
      (define-key global-map  (kbd "C-x m")   'ignore)
      (define-key ctl-x-map   "m"             'ignore)    

I have purposively listed them in the order of my own preference. I usually choose the one that looks simplest, but that doesn't imply that it is the best or the right one. All the above examples work fine with variety of Emacs platforms.

2.3.1 Binding syntax recommendations

The most portable way is natural string syntax, just as you saw above. This will work in every possible Emacs: new or old, WindowsNT, Unix etc.

      (define-key some-map "keybindings" 'ignore)    

Next best is new bracket style binding:

      (define-key some-map [(keybindings)] 'ignore)    

But remember that mouse bindings are not shared between XEmacs and emacs version. If you intend to have same bindings, it would be best to write separate code for Emacs and XEmacs:

       ((or (boundp 'xemacs-logo)  ;; This is XEmacs
            (featurep 'xemacs))    ;; New XEmacs releases define this
        (define-key some-map [(control shift button1)] 'ignore))
        (define-key some-map [(control shift mouse-1)] 'ignore)))    

Third best might be new read-kdb-macro or kbd way. I say third best, because it only works in latest Emacs and XEmacs versions. The kbd was slightly buggy in WinNT 19.34. Expect this syntax to be reliable in Emacs 20.x and up.

3.0 Finding the key syntax

3.1 Know your environment first

Running Emacs in window system is different from running Emacs in console mode: meaning that Emacs has been started either with -nw or from telnet over vt100 like terminal (No X or other window system). Be prepared that the console Emacs can't use all the same bindings as your windowed Emacs. An example from Emacs:

      Pressed key     C-h l [-nw] C-h l [windowed]
      Control-right   ESC O C     C-right
      Control-left    ESC O D     C-left
      Control-up      ESC O A     C-up
      Control-down    ESC O B     C-down
      Control-RET     RET         C-return        <
      Shift-RET       RET         S-return        <    

Notice how different the recognized keys are in these environments. Look closely last rows: in non-window environment the shift/control state is not passed at all when you press return.

3.2 The M-x view-lossage command helps you

Just press a <key or sequence> and immediately execute C-h l, or M-x view-lossage Then you can look at the key definition it produced. E.g. For C-c C-S-f1 lossage buffer may show:

      backspace S - F 1 SPC i t SPC s h o w s : return return
      C-c C-S-f1 C-h l

That is the exact form you can use:

      (global-set-key [(control c) (control shift f1)] 'ignore)    

3.3 Using read-kbd-macro

Anonymous mentioned in gnu.emacs.help 1998-04-05 in Message-ID: <6g7obg$207@basement.replay.com> that you can find the read-kbd-macro syntax with following command:

      (format-kbd-macro (read-key-sequence "Key? " nil t))C-uC-xC-e    

[Hrvoje Niksic hniksic@srce.hr] ...the best and most reliable way to bind keys is using the function read-kbd-macro. Preferred form as you needn't know the internal representation. A shortened form of read-kbd-macro is called kbd in XEmacs 20.2 and Emacs 19.34. It will also evaluate at compile-time.

      (read-kbd-macro "<S-up>")
      (read-kbd-macro "<M-f1>")
      (read-kbd-macro "A-1")    

The read-kbd-macro function returns the internal Emacs representation of a human-readable string which is its argument. So:

      (read-kbd-macro "C-c C-a")
        => ""
        => [(control ?c) (control ?a)]          ; XEmacs

      (read-kbd-macro "C-c C-. <up>")
        => [3 67108910 up]
        => [(control ?c) (control ?.) up]       ; XEmacs    

The function is convenient to use in your keyboard definitions, for example:

      (global-set-key (read-kbd-macro "C-.") 'undo)  ; or whatever    

The exact "human-readable" syntax is defined in the docstring of edmacro-mode. I'll repeat it here, for completeness. Format of keyboard macros during editing:

Format of keyboard macros during editing:

Text is divided into "words" separated by whitespace. Except for the words described below, the characters of each word go directly as characters of the macro. The whitespace that separates words is ignored. Whitespace in the macro must be written explicitly, as in "foo SPC bar RET".

       * The special words RET, SPC, TAB, DEL, LFD, ESC, and NUL
         represent special control characters. The words must be
         written in uppercase.

       * A word in angle brackets, e.g., <return>, <down>, or <f1>,
         represents a function key.  (Note that in the standard
         configuration, the function key <return> and the control key
         RET are synonymous.)  You can use angle brackets on the
         words RET, SPC, etc., but they are not required there.

       * Keys can be written by their ASCII code, using a backslash
         followed by up to six octal digits. This is the only way to
         represent keys with codes above \377.

       * One or more prefixes M- (meta), C- (control), S- (shift), A-
         (alt), H- (hyper), and s- (super) may precede a character or
         key notation. For function keys, the prefixes may go inside
         or outside of the brackets: C-<down> = <C-down>.  The
         prefixes may be written in any order: M-C-x = C-M-x.

         Prefixes are not allowed on multi-key words, e.g., C-abc,
         except that the Meta prefix is allowed on a sequence of
         digits and optional minus sign: M--123 = M-- M-1 M-2 M-3.

       * The `^' notation for control characters also works:  ^M = C-m.

       * Double angle brackets enclose command names: <next-line>
         is shorthand for M-x next-line RET.

       * Finally, REM or ;; causes the rest of the line to be ignored
         as a comment.

      Any word may be prefixed by a multiplier in the form of a decimal
      number and `*':  3*<right> = <right> <right> <right>, and

      Any word may be prefixed by a multiplier in the form of a decimal
      number and `*':  3*<right> = <right> <right> <right>, and
      10*foo = foofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoofoo.

      Multiple text keys can normally be strung together to form a word,
      but you may need to add whitespace if the word would look like one
      of the above notations:  `; ; ;' is a keyboard macro with three
      semicolons, but `;;;' is a comment. Likewise, `\ 1 2 3' is four
      keys but `\123' is a single key written in octal, and `< right >'
      is seven keys but `<right>' is a single function key. When in
      doubt, use whitespace.    

Other traditional Emacs binding examples, like binding f1 with various modifiers. Note that all the modifiers are not automatically available. It depends if the terminal can send appropriate key codes to emacs. E.g. for shifted function keys, X sends them while vt100 doesn't.

      (global-set-key [C-f1]          'ignore) ;control-f1
      (global-set-key [M-f1]          'ignore) ;meta-f1
      (global-set-key [C-S-f1]        'ignore) ;control-shift-f1
      (global-set-key [C-S-M-f1]      'ignore) ;control-shift-meta-f1    

And the same with the syntax that works in Emacs and XEmacs:

      (global-set-key (kbd "<C-f1>")      'ignore)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<M-f1>")      'ignore)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<C-S-f1>")    'ignore)
      (global-set-key (kbd "<C-S-M-f1>")  'ignore)    

Newer Emacs releases have shortened the command read-kbd-macro to kbd.

3.4 Very easy way: just go and use M-x global-set-key

...and hit the keys you want. Then go back and recall that previous command with C-x ESC ESC and copy the output you see, and there is the full lisp command which does the binding.

This will show you [C-c C-S-f1] when you bind the key.but when you recall the command it may shrink to [3 C-S-f1], so this method is not completely perfect.

3.5 Using key-description by Kevin Rodgers

One more way to find out some cryptic emacs key bindings is to use function key-description. See how following binding can be converted into human readable format

      ;;  This cryptic number may not be reliable from platform
      ;;  to platform
      (global-set-key  [4194336] 'set-mark-command)

      ;;  Make it more readable...The result depends on your Emacs
      ;;  This gives in HP-UX     "C-SPC"
      ;;  And in NT Emacs         "A-SPC"
      (key-description [4194336])

      ;; And C-SPC is represented with code...
      (global-set-key [(control ?\  )] 'set-mark-command)    

4.0 How do I give argument to command when I bind it to key?

4.1 Printing a string by pressing a key

You can make a key print arbitrary strings, like this

      (global-set-key [(control right)] "Hello there")
                                        ^^         ^^    

Notice the surrounding quotes. There is nothing magic in this, emacs just sees the first quote and decides, that it constitutes self-insert-command and echoes all characters when you press the key.

4.2 Running macro by pressing a key

You can also put macro into a key, but I'm not going to teach macros here. Macros are fine for ad-hoc tasks, but if you need something complex and which can be handed to someone else, please try to learn equivalent lisp commands write functions. This is how you use macros in vanilla Emacs:

o C-x (, to start recording macro o C-x ), to end recording o M-x name-last-kbd-macro, to give it a name, say my-macro-foo o M-x call-last-kbd-macro, to run it or if you named the macro, call it with M-x my-foo-macro.

Tip for windowed emacs

To use one macro, and replace it every time, here are some handy bindings. The default C-x ( and C-x ) bindings are a bit uncomfortable.

      ;;  Note, these are for HP keyboard, the idea is that you
      ;;  find 4 close keys, which you bind to these commands to
      ;;  access them fast.
      ;;  In my kbd the keys are like this in upper row
      ;;  ... ( ) + =  backspace       shifted layout
      ;; See also attached code to execute macro on region

      (global-set-key [(control ?\()] 'start-kbd-macro)
      (global-set-key [(control ?\))] 'end-kbd-macro)

      (global-set-key [(control ?\+)] 'my-call-last-kbd-macro-region)
      (global-set-key [(control ?\=)] 'call-last-kbd-macro)

      (defun my-call-last-kbd-macro-region (beg end)
        "Calls last kbd macro for given region."
        (interactive "r")
        (goto-char (min beg end))
        (call-last-kbd-macro (count-lines beg end)))
      ;; End    

4.3 Running existing user functions

Your key can run only one command, and the attribute you give in key-binding must constitute of function symbol, self-insert command or vector macro. You denote symbols with prefixing name with a tick(').

      (global-set-key [(control right)] 'forward-word)
                                        denotes symbol    

This is exactly the same as above, but help byte compiler more. For your own key bindings you don't need this, but if you make packages, then you may consider using this. New emacs releases have lisp reader syntax #'forward-word to do the same as (function forward-word).

      (global-set-key [(control right)] (function forward-word))    

How do you know the function name to run? Use the M-x apropos-command to find all function like "forward" and select one from the displayed list.

4.4 Running your own lisp function

When you may want to do more than call one function you have to start writing lisp. Because this paper is not about lisp, I'll just show simple example and how the command is attached to key.

      (global-set-key [(f1)] 'my-command)

      (defun my-command ()
        "Does something."     ;; << the doc string: C-h f my-command
        (interactive)         ;; << marks this function user callable
        (message "I'm here")
        ...rest of the lisp commands)    

The method is no different than explained in the forward-word case. This time just your function is called. Some important points:

      (wrong-type-argument commandp  my-command)    

4.5 Running function by mouse click

For mouse commands, you need "e" flag; memorize it from (e)vent. Substitute mouse-3 with button3 in XEmacs.

      (global-set-key [(control shift mouse-3)] 'my-mouse-command)

      (defun my-mouse-command (event)         ;; << notice `event'
        "Does something."
        (interactive "e")                     ;; << notice `e'
        ;; In Emacs you could also try
        ;; (message "I'm here, point: %s" (cdr (mouse-position)))
        (message "I'm here")
        ...rest of the lisp commands)    

See more about the interactive command in the Emacs elisp info pages.

Remember to include documentation string in functions too (real, or lambda ones). It helps you to keep track of key bindings. If you don't supply doc strings, the C-h b listing will show "??" for those keys which call functions that do not have documentation strings.

4.6 Calling function with different default argument

Say you want different scroll command: you want to pass argument 1. In this simple case, when you aren't needing any additional commands, we use short lambda notation. Now I hear "What on earth is lambda?". Well, The elisp pages will explain it better, let's just say, that it is anonymous function, i.e. it has no name to call at: you can think that the "defun anonymous" is replaced with a word "lambda", otherwise writing the function is no different.

      ;;  In my kbd the pgUp key is named PRIOR
      (global-set-key [(prior)]
        '(lambda () "Previous" (interactive) (scroll-down 1)))

      ;; Compare to this "real function" alternative

      (global-set-key [(prior)] 'my-scroll-down)

      (defun my-scroll-down ()
          (scroll-down 1)))    

Notice the leading single quote, emacs needs an symbol. If we want to be strict, the format


isn't exactly the right one, but we'll decide that it suffices for our keybindings. Lisp programmers know that in packages the correct way is:

      (function (lambda       or  just
      (lambda                 in newer emacsen    

Passing one argument to external function required quite a lot lisp compared to this direct call with no arguments:

      (global-set-key [(prior)] 'scroll-down)    

4.7 Using complex lambda function in key binding

See the following example, which is more complicated.

      (global-set-key [(f1)]
         '(lambda ()                          ;; anonymous function
            "Displays simple message..."      ;; don't forget doc string
            (message "I'm here")
            ;;  rest of the lisp commands

For simple solutions, lambdas are fine, but for most cases I prefer "real" functions. YMMV. Previous example was complex enough, so I reserve lambda for simple tasks only. Erm, what do I mean by "real" function then? It goes like this:

      (global-set-key [(f1)] 'my-function)

      (defun 'my-function ()
        "Displays simple message..."
        (message "I'm here")
        ;;  rest of the lisp commands
        ;;  ..

5.0 About key maps

5.1 Before defining the key, you should know about key maps

File: emacs, Node: Keymaps, Node: Prefix Keymaps,
File: emacs, Node: Minibuffer Maps

You can't put the key into map if it doesn't exist, quite obvious? So you can't do this in your .emacs:

      (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-c1" 'my-command)

Because there is no such mode loaded into emacs (by default) which would initialize and define c++-mode-map. An attempt will cause an error when emacs starts up. You can use following to check if map is around:

      (and (boundp 'c++-mode-map)
           (keymapp c++-mode-map))    

It returns t or nil if the variable exists AND is a key map. Generally the keymapp test isn't needed, since we know when the variable is a key map or not. See next chapter how we define the key into specific key map after the the key map has been defined.

5.2 Default emacs key maps and packages' key maps

These are predefined keypmaps which are always present


Which gives you the ability to use commands like:

      (global-set-key ...)
      (local-set-key ...)
      (define-key esc-map ...)    

More about default key maps in emacs info pages. If the key map belongs to particular package (mode), then you should define keys after the package gets loaded. This usually happens when the mode is turned on for the first time, and the autoload statements trigger the loading phase..(see 'autoload' info page)

Next you have find out if the mode has a hook, which runs when the mode is turned on (just look at the sources, the .el files), the hooks are usually named according to mode, like:


E.g. for text-mode, the hook name is text-mode-hook. The maps for modes are also named similarly:


So you actually want to do this, when you define something for c++-mode:

      ;; Install my own function into the hook. When mode is turned on
      ;; all the functions installed in this hook are run.

      (add-hook 'c++-mode-hook 'my-c++-mode-hook)

      (defun my-c++-mode-hook ()
        "My C++ setting."
        ;; This is for advanced lip user:
        ;; - You know that `my-c++ -mode-hook' function runs after
        ;;   C++ mode which has already defined the key map.
        ;; - But the byte compiler does not know that. If you compile
        ;;   this file and don't say (require 'cc-mode), then it doesn't
        ;;   know that the key map exists and you get warning.
        ;; - We don't need (require 'cc-mode), so we just fool
        ;;   Byte Compiler to believe that the map is properly defined
        ;;   and get rid of the unnecessary warning.
        ;; - If you don't plan to byte compile your key binding
        ;;   settings or if the byte compiler warnings don't bother
        ;;   you (they are harmless), you can leave out this statement.
        (defvar c++-mode-map nil)  ;; No-op actually
        ;;  Now the mode is already "defined" (because we're mode hook),
        ;;  so the c++-mode-map is certainly available.
        (define-key c++-mode-map "\C-c1" 'my-command)
        ...other settings...)    

5.3 Prefix keymaps in new emacs versions.

In Emacs, I consider key C-z pretty useless. In X it runs command iconify-or-deiconify-frame which I never use. The C-z key is near the Shift modifier, so it's a perfect candidate for user's own prefix key. It's much more comfortable for pinky than the usual C-c; you avoid developing carpar tunnel syndrome to your wrist if you use the closest key possible.

In new emacs, defining a prefix key is pretty simple:

      ;;  If we try to set "C-za"  directly, ie. to use the
      ;;  C-z as prefix when it's not that yet, error is
      ;;  triggered --> Unset key first
      ;;  "Key sequence C-z a uses invalid prefix characters"

      (global-set-key "\C-z" nil)

      ;;  Now we can assign any keys to it, E.g. this command
      ;;  from tinyreplace.el, which performs replacing text more
      ;;  comfortable than query-replace :-)

      (global-set-key "\C-z%"  'my-replace-forward)

      ;;  It also makes sense to group common functions under
      ;;  same key, E.g. I have all _minor_ modes bound to map
      ;;  "m" under C-z map (or C-c, it depends).

      (global-set-key "\C-zmE" 'eldoc-mode)    ;; eldoc.el
      (global-set-key "\C-zmf" 'folding-mode)  ;; folding.el
      (global-set-key "\C-zmo" 'font-lock-mode);; font-lock.el

5.4 Prefix key maps in old emacs versions.

In older emacs versions you cannot define key maps so easily, like just giving keys after another in string notation: "KeyKeyKey". You have to create a key map and put your keys there.

      (require 'cl)

      ;;   We want to use use this key as prefix
      (defconst my-key-prefix    "\C-x\C-z"
         "My prefix map keys")

      ;;   What is the status of this key?
      (defvar my-map (lookup-key global-map my-key-prefix))
      (unless (keymapp my-map)    ;not yet defined
        (setq my-map (make-sparse-keymap)))

      ;;  Okay, hook my map to this key
      (define-key global-map my-key-prefix my-map)

      ;;  Now put keys into private map.
      (define-key my-map "\C-a" 'my-function1)
      (define-key my-map "a"    'my-function2)
      (define-key my-map "b"    'my-toggle-buffer-name)    

This old way is more complicated, but offers, in some extent, flexibility: If you decide to move the map somewhere else, you only have to change the prefix to relocate the map:

      (defconst my-key-prefix ...)    

In the other hand, you rarely change the key. If you can, use the newer method if it is available to you. Your .emacs stays much cleaner when there isn't extra key map definitions.

5.5 Function-key-map – where do I need it?

When making bindings in function-key-map, other bindings that affect a key will be bound automatically. keyboard-translate-table also remaps similarly. See following, where we make f10 key to work like C-x

      (lookup-key global-map "\C-x") --> Control-X-prefix
      (define-key global-map [(f10)] 'Control-X-prefix)    

or use the following, which work only in X winsowed Emacs

      (define-key global-map [(f10)] nil)
      (define-key function-key-map [(f10)] [?\C-x])    

5.6 How to generate C-A-S-H-M modifiers from keyboard keys

[Mohsin Ahmed mosh@sasi.com] You can generate the modifiers if your emacs doesn't generate them by default:

      ;;  Now hyper-super-alt are missing on NT GNuEMacs,
      ;;  but see simple.el:3042

      (define-key function-key-map [(f5)] 'event-apply-super-modifier)
      (define-key function-key-map [(f6)] 'event-apply-alt-modifier)
      (define-key function-key-map [(f7)] 'event-apply-hyper-modifier)
      (define-key function-key-map [(f8)] 'event-apply-control-modifier)    

5.7 Local-set-key and global-set-key note

"File: elisp, Node: Key Binding Commands" Because you can run into deep troubles when trying to set some key-bindings, it's always good to try them out first; choose a mode that you don't use normally, like pascal-mode and and use command:


If you happend to mix up emacs somehow, don't panic, you only altered keys in the pascal-mode-map.

6.0 Ascii and non-ascii keys

6.1 Emacs info, Character Type

File: elisp, Node: Character Type

For historical reasons, Emacs treats the DEL character as the control equivalent of ?:

      ?\^? => 127     ?\C-? => 127    

As a result, it is currently not possible to represent the character Control-?, which is a meaningful input character under X. It is not easy to change this as various Lisp files refer to DEL in this way.

6.2 General description

Your keyboard normally has qwerty keys, that has known ascii codes. You can use shift-key to double the keys, but they are still known ascii codes. But if you use any other modifier, the program behind it, must do some more snooping to determine what keys you pressed. In X it's possible to call Xlib functions (they return xevents), which tell the program that "Flag xx is up, meaning that user pressed Control key."

In Emacs, the string notation "" is reliable for ascii codes only. But any suspicious keys would be good to put into vector notation. If we try to determine the code for "C-.", say using the (read-event) or calling global-set-key, and then recalling what was the lisp command, we would see some strange code for it:

      [4194350]             in my HP-UX Emacs    

That's how the hardware represents the key. But instead of putting magical codes to define-key or global-set-key commands, you can use more portable alternative:

      (read-kbd-macro "<C-.>")    

There is a catch. With control keys, this vector notation works quite well, but for alt keys , the matter is totally different. See section about this later on, which proposes not to use alt keys if you want to have portable keys. (Alt may give you Meta or Alt depending on your keyboard setting)

6.3 Emacs info, Named ascii characters

File: emacs, Node: Named ASCII Chars

For example, I had to use my emacs in non-windowed environment and I had written all my bindings using the vector notation:

      (global-set-key [?\e tab]       'hippie-expand)    

This works perfectly as long as emacs thinks the environment is windowed. Now, I started the emacs like this in Xterm:

      % emacs -nw    

And I was totally lost. My fine key bindings were wreckage and useless. The solution is to prefer equivalent "character" based key bindings

      ;;  Works everywhere
      (global-set-key "\e\t"          'hippie-expand)

      ;;  Nope, this won't work in non-Windowed emacs, it's like
      ;;  the  [?\e tab].
      (global-set-key (read-kbd-macro "<M-tab>") 'hippie-expand)    

So prefer strings over the vectors if you can obtain the same results. And remember that read-kbd-macro won't help you in non-windowed Emacs.

6.4 Case study: Why can't I assign key <ESC C-'> ?

...I tried all these choices. What I'm doing wrong? None of these work..

      (global-set-key [?\M-C-\'] 'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [?\C-M-\'] 'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [?\C-M-']  'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [?\M-C-']  'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [C-M-\']   'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [C-M-']    'myfunc)
      (global-set-key [\M-C-\']  'myfunc)    

Answer: If the Meta is your escape key, then you can use \e instead of M anywhere. The solution is first to look at what C-h l gives:

      escape C-'    

So, let's turn it into key.

      ;;  Works in XEmacs 19.15+ and Emacs 19.34+
      (global-set-key [(control meta ?\')]        'myfunc)

      ;;  Alternatively way
      ;;  (WinNT Emacs 14.34 has bug here, doesn't work)
      (global-set-key (read-kbd-macro "<C-M-'>")  'myfunc)

      ;;  Emacs specific 1:
      (global-set-key  [?\e ?\C-'] 'myfunc)

      ;;  Emacs specific 2:
      ;;  Notice, that there is no questinon mark before the M,
      ;;  this is because the whole line means ONE char only,
      ;;  not multiple ones.
      (global-set-key [?\C-\M-']  'myfunc)    ;; works
      (global-set-key "\e\C-'"     'myfunc)    ;; won't    

The last case doesn't work, instead it returns error, because the Ctrl-' isn't valid ascii code.

          "Invalid modifier in string."    

6.5 Case study: How to bind a function to Ctrl-?

Hrvoje Niksic hniksic@srce.hr In new emacs where you can use the XEmacs style binding, this is easy

      (global-set-key [(control ??)] 'foo)    

It has been reported that this was a bug in emacs up till 19.34, where the following Emacs binding, while valid, does not work

      (global-set-key [?\C-\?] 'foo)    

6.6 Portable keybindings – command 'emacs -nw' is your friend

To have portable bindings, the key settings should work in any environment, no matter how you start your emacs. But if you're used to X environment, you probably haven't paid much attention in having a habit to use "good" keys. Not all keys are available in non-Windowed emacs, e.g. there is no equivalent for this:

      (global-set-key [(control return)] 'complete)    

You can't turn it into following, while it may seem quite obvious:

      (global-set-key "\C-\C-m" 'complete)    

because the only key, that non-window Emacs recognizes, is pure return, with no modifiers, no Alt, Shift, Control. While you may not be interested in relocating your dear keys, at least you know what you may face when you haven't checked if the key combination is portable. It may be a good idea to group your key settings so, that there are sections like:

      ;; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... windowed-only-bindings ..
      (global-set-key [(control return)] 'my-func1)
      (global-set-key [(shift   return)] 'my-func2)

      ;; ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .portable-bindings ..
      (global-set-key "\e\t"   'complete)
      (global-set-key "\e\C-m" 'hippie-expand)    

Later on, you can easily check which keys will not work in non-windowed environment. If you want to detect the case, when some keys are not available, you can use this lisp statement in your ~/.emacs

        ;;  X-event key bindings work here
        (global-set-key [(control return)] 'my-func1)
        (global-set-key [(shift   return)] 'my-func2))
        ;;  Okay, user has non-windowed system, or has started
        ;;  emacs with % emacs -nw
        ;;  The string notation works only in this emacs.
        ;;  We may wish to relocate some X-event keys....
        (global-set-key "C-cM" 'my-func1)
        (global-set-key "C-cS" 'my-func2)))    

But in most cases you only want to set the non-windowed case, because the window bindings do nothing if they are not available in non-windowed emacs. This example is identical to above one.

      (require 'cl) ;; for `unless'

      ;;  These are no-op in non-windowed env.
      (global-set-key [(control return)] 'my-func1)
      (global-set-key [(shift   return)] 'my-func2)

      (unless window-system
        ;; non-windowed detected, should we relocate some  vector
        ;; keys to somewhere behind the prefix keys?

7.0 Emacs backspace binding problem

7.1 Recent news and related packages

In XEmacs 20.3 you can just set

      (setq delete-key-deletes-forward t)    

See also orwell.el, Exchange C-h & DEL without affecting prefix mappings. Tip by Will Mengarini seldon@eskimo.com

7.2 Foreword – background

      (load-library "delbackspace.el")    

[kgallagh@spd.dsccc.com Kevin Gallagher) in gnu.emacs.help] Unfortunately delbackspace.el is not part of the standard GNU Emacs distribution. The origin of your delete vs backspace problems under X Windows is found in ../lisp/term/x-win.el. Here are the particular lines and the associated comments:

      ;; Map certain keypad keys into ASCII characters
      ;; that people usually expect.
      ;; Keys are defined in lisp/term/x-win.el
      (define-key function-key-map [backspace] [127])
      (define-key function-key-map [delete] [127])
      ;; These tell read-char how to convert
      ;; these special chars to ASCII.
      (put 'backspace 'ascii-character 127)
      (put 'delete    'ascii-character 127)    

They are seen both as a same character code. We have change the definition:

      (define-key function-key-map [delete] "\C-d")
      (put 'delete    'ascii-character 8)    

There is a lot of history behind the decision to configure Emacs this way. Here's the history, the fix comes later.

Emacs was first developed on a DEC PDP-11 (or similar vintage DEC computer) using DEC ascii terminals. On such terminals, the Del (aka Delete) key is part of the main keyboard located in the upper right portion and is used as a rubout key, i.e., it erases the character in front of the cursor and also moves the cursor back one space on the screen, taking the position of the erased character. On a DEC ascii terminal (such as the VT-100), the Del key generates a DEL character, octal 127. The VT-100 also has a BS (aka BackSpace) key and it generates the BS character, octal 010 (i.e., C-h). It's use varies with applications. The design of Emacs was tightly linked to the DEL character indicating rubout. C-h was chosen to invoke help so the BS key could be used as a help key on DEC terminals.

On a Sun keyboard, the standard convention is for the BackSpace key to be used as a rubout key and the Del key be used to erase the character UNDER the cursor, not before it.

So you can see that a lack of standards in keyboard design across computer vendors has created a support problem.

Under X Windows, the BackSpace and Delete keys do not generate ascii characters, instead they present X Windows key codes to the applications. To make life a little easier, Emacs maps these key codes to names like "delete" and "backspace". But so much of Emacs lisp code, especially major modes, expects to see a DEL character when rubout is intended, a fairly painless way to add X Windows support in the affected lisp code was to have Emacs map the X Windows key-code for the rubout key to a DEL character.

In short, some keyboards use BackSpace as the rubout key and some use Delete. To ensure that users of both kind of keyboards always have a rubout key, x-win.el maps both BackSpace and Delete to the DEL character.

Now for the fix. On a Sun keyboard, the BackSpace key serves as the rubout key and the Del key is designed to provide the feature which deletes the character under the cursor. This is broken under X with the default configuration in x-win.el.

The BEST way to fix this is to map the Delete key to the Emacs function delete-char. Add the following to your .emacs file:

      (add-hook 'term-setup-hook 'my-term-setup)

      (defun my-term-setup ()
        (define-key global-map [delete] 'delete-char))    

Using term-setup-hook minimizes the chance that something else might override your key definition during initialization.

7.3 Windowed Emacs mapping

Jari Aalto
First we detect if emacs can differentiate them. Do following:

      press backspace , press delete
      then hit C-h l to view the lossage buffer.    

If you see something like

      backspace deletechar    

near the end of buffer then you know the emacs can separate them. the 'deletechar' may be 'del', 'delete' or something else in your system. Now you just set these keys where you want them. This is my emacs setup:

      (global-set-key [backspace]  'delete-backward-char)
      (global-set-key [deletechar] 'delete-char)    

Nico Francois
gnu.emacs.help, that the following works in Windows 95.

      ;; Redefine backspace to really mean backspace (and not delete)
      ;; and make delete do what we expect it to do.
      (define-key function-key-map [backspace] [8])
      (global-set-key [backspace] 'delete-backward-char)
      (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)    

Kai Grossjohann
wrote immediately to comment the previous settings:

A piece of advice from me: Do not redefine both the backspace and the delete key. This is because one of them gets mapped to DEL which is a special key that often changes its meaning in other modes, too (dired, view, ...). The above lines remove the mapping to DEL from both the backspace and the delete keys.

I have just the following in my .emacs file which works fine for me under SunOS/X11R6:

      (global-set-key [delete] 'delete-char)    

This replaces all of the above lines by Nico.

by Chuck Taylor
backspace to work

          (global-set-key "\^?"  'delete-char)    

7.4 Non-windowed Emacs mapping

This is my favorite, If you use both X and non-X, it'll detect the non-X, where the troubles usually start. After this code; the delete key is out and produces the C-h code. That's not a loss for me because I never use the delete key, only the big fat backspace key.

      (require 'cl)

      ;; Define backspace key for Non-X Emacs
      (when (not window-system)
        (setq key-translation-map (make-sparse-keymap))
        (define-key key-translation-map "\177" "\C-h")
        (define-key key-translation-map "\C-h" "\177")
        (defvar BACKSPACE "\177")
        (defvar DELETE    "\C-h")
        (global-set-key BACKSPACE 'backward-delete-char))    

7.5 Mapping backspace with 'delete' symbol

marc@watson.ibm.com (Marc Auslander), 04 Jan 1996

The following works. I'll say more below.

      ;;  by Marc
      ;;  undo mapping of delete to DEL in x-win.el
      ;;  Then remap the key.
      (define-key function-key-map [delete] nil)
      (global-set-key              [delete] 'delete-char)

      ;; by <em>schwab@lamothe.informatik.uni-dortmund.de</em> (Andreas Schwab)
      ;; and Marc Auslander <em>marc@marc.watson.ibm.com</em>:
      (add-hook 'term-setup-hook 'my-term-setup-hook)

      (defun 'my-term-setup-hook ()
       ;;  undo mapping of delete to DEL in x-win.el
       (define-key function-key-map [delete] nil)
       (global-set-key              [delete] 'delete-char))    

Now for the details. For historical reasons, you really want the key which you think of as backspace-and-delete to map to DEL, which is the character value 127. This is because lots of modes mess with the key map entry for DEL. So you DO NOT want to redefine the event associated with the key you use for backspace-and-delete.

On the modern keyboards I use, I think the right key is the Backspace key, but apparently some people prefer the Delete key. In term/x-win.el both [backspace] and [delete] are mapped DEL using the function key map.

The code above undoes that, and then lets you map [delete] as you please. Of course, you could modify it to use [delete] as DEL and [backspace] as something else if you prefer.

8.0 Some article snippets, Q/A

8.1 I can't use C-s and C-q in emacs due to control flow.

You have to call M-x enable-flow-control. When handling is enabled, user can type C-s as C-\, and C-q as C-^. With arg, enable flow control mode if arg is positive, otherwise disable.

8.2 Disable C-s/C-q for flow control?

Yes, I've read the FAQ but it just doesn't work. It would still freeze the screen after I typed either "stty -ixon" or "stty start u stop u". I use dial-up from a home PC (Telix) to a Sun workstation (using vt120 emulation).

[Richard Pieri ratinox@unilab.dfci.harvard.edu] Turn off software flow control at your modem and communication software, and turn on hardware (CTS/RTS) flow control.

8.3 Defining keys to isearch map?

I am trying to get a function key kp-f3 to act just like C-s does...

      ;; Answer by <em>ilia@gate.ispras.ru</em> (Elijah Perminov)
      (define-key isearch-mode-map [kp-f3]
          (cons isearch-mode-map ?\C-S))

      (define-key isearch-mode-map [S-kp-f3]
          (cons isearch-mode-map ?\C-R))    

8.4 I'm in emacs that doesn't recognize my function keys?

Suppose you have heavily programmed your function keys (or any vector notation keys) and now you're in environment where these keys are not recognized. You don't want to remap your function keys, instead you have an idea of aliasing them to another keys. Say if you press "ascii" keys, then it would run your other keys.

This can be done. Let's say we want C-c 1..9 to refer to f-keys, so that when pressing "C-c1" it would run function key f1. Here is the command that does it:

      (global-set-key "\C-c1" [f1])

Emacs sees the [f1] as an macro, and the macro is key press f1. If we want to have one key to run multiple keys we'd do it like this:

      (global-set-key "\C-c1" [f1 f5 f7])    

This would run keys f1, f5 and f7 one after another.

Small note: you probably wonder why there is no tick(') before the vector, as we had in the function binding cases? Well, you could put the tick there like this:

      (global-set-key "\C-c1" '[f1 f5 f7])

But it is unnecessary, because the vector is "self quoting", meaning that it does not need to be prefixed with the tick char. other self quoting types are:

      t       true symbol
      nil     null symbol (or more traditionally: false symbol)    

8.5 I don't seem to see the Control-Space sequence

hunger@hitech.com (Henry Unger)

Assume you are running non-X-windowed, you are probably using some type of terminal emulation. Terminal emulators send ASCII characters. There is no ASCII character C-Space, however, there is C-@ which produces an ASCII NUL character which is what set-mark is bound to (sort of). Some terminals (mistakenly) generate a C-@ when you press C-Space, hence the confusion. Try also following if the problem is in your Xterm.

      #  .Xdefaults
      XTerm*VT100*translations: #override Ctrl <Key>space: string(0x00)    

8.6 To get Xterm work with mouse

[Olaf Rogalsky <rogalsky@theorie1.physik.uni-erlangen.de>] After sending the escape sequence "ESC [ 1000 h" to a xterm, the xterm responds with an appropriate escape sequence to every mouse press/release, telling on wich character cell this has happened.

8.7 Does these vector notations work only under X ?

abraham@ssv4.dina.kvl.dk (Per Abrahamsen)

No, the vector notation works fine outside X11.

If you look in the lisp/term/*.el you will see how Emacs maps from terminal dependent escape sequences into terminal independent symbols. Normally, Emacs will load the right one for you, but if not you can load it yourself with e.g.

          (load "term/vt100")    

in your .emacs file.

M-[ was an Emacs 18 binding which was moved to M-{ in Emacs 19, precisely because it conflicted with the escape sequences produced by some common keyboards. If one is using Emacs 19, he could try

          (global-unset-key "\M-[")    

to undo the damage done by the other persons customization.

8.8 I have troubles running 'screen' (SUN-OS virtual term) and emacs

Kai Grossjohann grossjoh@ls6.informatik.uni-dortmund.de

Ilya> While running a program called "screen" and emacs, I
Ilya> noticed that the two programs interfere with each
Ilya> other. One specific error in example that you can
Ilya> duplicate yourself is hitting C-a in emacs. It will not
Ilya> take you to the begining of line as it should if screen
Ilya> is running. [...]

Screen has what is called a hot key. It intercepts all keyboard input and if it's the hot key it interprets this as a command to itself. If not, the key press is passed on to the underlying program. C-a is the default hot key in screen. I think you can hit the hot key twice to pass it to the underlying program.

I've found backtick (`) to be a convenient hot key for screen, for about 5 minutes I've used it.

8.9 Modifying keyboard keys in X

psmith@lemming.wellfleet.com (Paul D. Smith)

Modify your keysymbols to your heart's content with a simple graphical representation of your keyboard--I did the above by copying the definition of one key to the other (actually I didn't swap them: who the heck needs a caps lock key? I just made two control keys :)

Then tell the program to write out xmodmap codes to implement your changes, save 'em to a file, and tell xmodmap to run them each time you start X (in your ~/.xinitrc or wherever).

      ftp://ftp.x.org/contrib/applications/  xkeycaps-2.29.tar.Z    

8.10 Swap the control and cap keys on Sun sparc 20 machine?

richter@taylor.math.nwu.edu (Bill Richter)

I don't know anything about sparc 20 keyboards. Here's a related Sun kbd stunt to get 2 more Meta keys & 1 more Control

      #   make the Alt key (between Caps Lock and Left-Meta) act as
      #   a Meta key similarly make the Compose key (right of
      #   Right-Meta) be Meta key

      xmodmap -e 'clear mod1'
      xmodmap -e 'keysym Alt_L = Meta_L'
      xmodmap -e 'keysym Multi_key = Meta_R'
      xmodmap -e 'add mod1 = Meta_L'
      xmodmap -e 'add mod1 = Meta_R'

      # make the Insert key (above Del) act as a control key
      xmodmap -e   "keycode 51 = Control_L"
      xmodmap -e 'add control = Control_L'    

8.11 Xterm – AIX: Meta key missing in emacs -nw

Okay, here's a weird one. If I run an xterm on my local AIX 4.1.4 machine and do an xemacs -nw in it, it doesn't recognize the meta key (meta-b just inserts a b), even though the tcsh running in that window recognized it just fine. However, if I rlogin or telnet to another machine, or EVEN TO THE SAME MACHINE, the meta key starts working.

kyle_jones@wonderworks.com (Kyle Jones)

Your input character size is set to 7 bits. On ttys, the meta key sets the eighth bit on characters, but with 7-bit input enabled the high bit is either reset or used for parity. rlogin and telnet set the character size to 8 bits and leave it that way, and this is what is making the meta key work thereafter.

      stty cs8    

should do the trick on POSIX-ish systems.

8.12 HP: meta key missing on 715 and 712?

jquinn@nortel.ca (Jerry Quinn)

The meta key problem on HP's can be fixed by using xmodmap. Do:

      xmodmap -e "remove mod1 = Mode_switch"    

This makes Alt work fine for emacs. God knows why HP's stock setup is broken for emacs. Surely people inside HP use emacs, too.

8.13 HP: there's no Meta key?

I'm using Hp console with its original Keyboard And As you know there's no Meta key and I'm using ESC key instead But it's really inconvenient... So i want to remap some key like caps lock or other some to Meta character. How can I do that? A:

Jan.Braun@tu-bs.de (Jan Braun)

For the left Alt-key on my german HP-Keyboard. I put it into my ~/.xsession (~/.startxrc), so that it is automatically performed.

      xmodmap -e "clear mod1" -e "add mod1 = Meta_L" -e\
          "keycode 0x0a = Mode_switch" -e\
          "add Mod2 = Mode_switch"
      echo "Left ALTERNATE now META! Be carefull!"    

marc@mpi.nl (Marc Fleischeuers)

I've stolen this from the net and stored it in a safe place. The repreat calls of `/../xmodmap -e' is merely paranoia, you can get by with placing eveything between "" in a file and run xmodmap on that.

      /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap -e "clear control"
      /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap -e "add control = Control_L"
      /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap -e "clear mod1"
      /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap -e "add mod1 = Meta_L"
      /usr/bin/X11/xmodmap -e "add mod1 = Meta_R"    

8.14 HP: xmodmap settings in PC XCeed

I used to have HP console in front of me, but then we changed to Windows Nt machines running commercial X emulator XCeed, which has very nice keyboard layout configuration tools. However, if you're interested how I defined my keyboard for Emacs and for the rest of the X programs, here is the layout:

      Left            Right

      Ctrl Alt        AltGr Ctrl      Physical keyboard keys
      |    |          |     |
      Ctrl Alt        Meta  Modifier  How they are seen by X server    

The left side gives me regular keys as I expect them, e.g. the Alt keys really used to give me Meta, which wan't good at all The right hand side gioves me the other combos that I may need with other programs. The AltGr mapping(meta) is not necessarily that comfortable with Emacs; because Emacs has lot of Meta bindings. But I have got used to having meta to the right already. Below you see my xmodmap settings and edited xev results.

      % xmodmap -pm

      shift       Shift_L (0x31),  Shift_R (0x3d)
      lock        Caps_Lock (0x41)
      control     Control_L (0x24)
      mod1        Alt_L (0x3f)
      mod2        Meta_R (0x5b)
      mod3        Mode_switch (0x5c)

      [Left Ctrl key]
      KeyRelease event, serial 17, synthetic NO, window 0x1400001,
          state 0x4, keycode 36 (keysym 0xffe3, Control_L)
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

      [Lef Alt key]
      KeyRelease event, serial 17, synthetic NO, window 0x1400001,
          state 0x8, keycode 63 (keysym 0xffe9, Alt_L)
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

      [Right Alt (AltGr in pc) key]
      KeyRelease event, serial 17, synthetic NO, window 0x1400001,
          state 0x10, keycode 91 (keysym 0xffe8, Meta_R)
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

      [Right Ctrl key]
      KeyRelease event, serial 17, synthetic NO, window 0x1400001,
          state 0x20, keycode 92 (keysym 0xff7e, Mode_switch)
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""    

8.15 Could anyone tell me how I could change the meta-key ?

sasdjb@unx.sas.com (David Biesack)

In HP system, you can rebind it:

      xmodmap - <META
      ! Fix Extend Char keys to work as true Meta keys in GNU Emacs
      clear Mod1
      add Mod1 = Meta_L
      add Mod2 = Meta_R

8.16 How can I set Meta key to Alt?

kwak@gloria.postech.ac.kr (Kwak Jong-Geun)

Try to put something like this in your ~/.Xmodmap file, and invoke your xsession to read it using xmodmap promgram.

      % cat ~/.Xmodmap

      !Right Alt key is used to Meta key
      keysym Mode_switch = Escape
      keysym Meta_R = Escape    

check your Alt key symbol name using xev, and put correct symbol.

8.17 How can I make the alt key work as the meta key?

kwak@gloria.postech.ac.kr (Kwak Jong-Geun):

put next line in your ~/.Xmodmap, and check your startx session invoke the file using xmodmap program.

      keysym Mode_switch = Escape    

It work for X window system, FreeBSD, emacs19.28.

8.18 On X window C-SPC says Args out of range #^[nil nil nil

We just install the emacs 19.30 on Dec Alpha running DUnix 3.2C. When we use the emacs on X window, the C-SPC does not work by saying: Args out of range: #^[nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil , But if we use emacs -nw, then C-SPC works fine.

Weiwen Liu liu@yalph2.physics.yale.edu later posted:

If I remove (enable-flow-control-on "vt100" "vt300" "xterms" "xterm") then C-SPC works fine!

8.19 Carpal tunnel syndrome: Any way to reduce left wrist pain?

Bill Richter richter@conley.math.nwu.edu

I've bound (on X Windows Emacs) the 4 "island" arrow keys on a Sun ELC kbd to Control, and three common prefixes, C-x, C-c and C-h. In my .xinitrc:

      xmodmap -e "keycode 27 = Control_L"       # Up
      xmodmap -e "keycode 31 = Select"          # Left
      xmodmap -e "keycode 34 = KP_2"            # Down
      xmodmap -e "keycode 35 = KP_F4"           # Right

      xmodmap -e 'add control = Control_L'    

and in my .emacs

      (global-set-key [(f16)] 'execute-extended-command)   ;Copy = M-x

      (define-key global-map [(select)] nil)
      (define-key function-key-map [(select]) [?\C-x])

      (define-key global-map [(kp-2] nil)
      (define-key function-key-map [(kp-2)] [?\C-c])

      (define-key global-map [(kp-f4)] nil)
      (define-key function-key-map [kp-f4] [?\C-h])

      (define-key global-map [(insert)] nil)
      (define-key function-key-map [(insert)] [?\C-s])    

I don't need these arrow keys because there's another set on the numeric keypad. I chose the keysyms Select, KP_2, KP_F4 because they were vacant and because xterm accepts them over a modem, although I have not really learned how to bind them (in emacs -nw).

I also bound C-s to the next key over, the 0=Ins numeric keypad, which is bound by default with no xmodmap monkey business to overwrite-mode (horrible binding for novices!!!). Continuing the ergo story, I re-xmodmapped most of the keypad because the default Sun keysyms are dead keys over the modem:

      xmodmap -e "keycode 119 = KP_1"
      xmodmap -e "keycode 121 = KP_3"
      xmodmap -e "keycode 99 = KP_5"
      xmodmap -e "keycode 75 = KP_7"
      xmodmap -e "keycode 77 = KP_9"

      (global-set-key [(kp-7)] 'beginning-of-buffer)
      (global-set-key [(kp-9)] 'scroll-down)
      (global-set-key [(kp-5)] 'recenter)
      (global-set-key [(kp-1)] 'end-of-buffer)
      (global-set-key [(kp-3)] 'scroll-up)    

Before I'd bound these commands to the top row of function keys over a modem. I'm sure the top row are the least ergonomically sound keys, I have to lunge for them, the numeric keypad is much nicer.

The list of keysyms comes from the Emacs manual node "Function Keys."

8.20 Telnet connection – backspace ?

I have an xterm which I telnet from to get access to the internet service provider from work. I would like to map the keys in the xterm like they are mapped in X or in Presentation manager. I want the "Alt" key mapped to the "Meta" key and I want the backspace key to give me backspace and the control-h key to give me help.

mlehmann@prismnet.com (Mark Lehmann):

I created a solution that works. Where would be a good place to distribute this. I think that it would be handy for many people.

This is a list of the .Xdefaults settings. I have tried to minimize the number of translations. The "xterm" termcap entry already defines the function keys and the Insert, Delete, Page Up, Page Down keys so I did not redefine these. Make sure to have the following to shell settings when you use the xterm (not aixterm):

      export TERM=xterm
      # Force off Flow-Control so you can use Ctrl-S and Ctrl-Q
      stty -ixon

      xterm*Translations: #override\
         <Key>BackSpace: string) \n\
         Mod1<Key>a: string(0x1b) string("a") \n\
         Mod1<Key>b: string(0x1b) string("b") \n\
         Mod1<Key>c: string(0x1b) string("c") \n\
         Mod1<Key>d: string(0x1b) string("d") \n\
         Mod1<Key>e: string(0x1b) string("e") \n\
         Mod1<Key>f: string(0x1b) string("f") \n\
         Mod1<Key>g: string(0x1b) string("g") \n\
         Mod1<Key>h: string(0x1b) string("h") \n\
         Mod1<Key>i: string(0x1b) string("i") \n\
         Mod1<Key>j: string(0x1b) string("j") \n\
         Mod1<Key>k: string(0x1b) string("k") \n\
         Mod1<Key>l: string(0x1b) string("l") \n\
         Mod1<Key>m: string(0x1b) string("m") \n\
         Mod1<Key>n: string(0x1b) string("n") \n\
         Mod1<Key>o: string(0x1b) string("o") \n\
         Mod1<Key>p: string(0x1b) string("p") \n\
         Mod1<Key>q: string(0x1b) string("q") \n\
         Mod1<Key>r: string(0x1b) string("r") \n\
         Mod1<Key>s: string(0x1b) string("s") \n\
         Mod1<Key>t: string(0x1b) string("t") \n\
         Mod1<Key>u: string(0x1b) string("u") \n\
         Mod1<Key>v: string(0x1b) string("v") \n\
         Mod1<Key>w: string(0x1b) string("w") \n\
         Mod1<Key>x: string(0x1b) string("x") \n\
         Mod1<Key>y: string(0x1b) string("y") \n\
         Mod1<Key>z: string(0x1b) string("z")    

8.21 Latin Charset handling ?

Qing Long:

      ;; The next 3 lines just enable ISO latin 1 charset handling
      (set-input-mode 't 'nil '8 )
      (require 'disp-table)
      (standard-display-8bit 128 255)    

8.22 Linux: I can't rebind C-up in terminal window?

Kai Grossjohann grossjoh@ls6.informatik.uni-dortmund.de

You want to change the Linux keymap. See usr/lib/kbd/keytables, there is a README there, I think, and there are files emacs.map and emacs2.map (to be loaded with loadkey or something). Also see the command showkey which helps you to modify a map by showing you the keycode of any key you type. It's not all that difficult. The easiest would be to just load emacs2.map and see what happens.

8.23 Linux: cursor keys problem

Emilio Lopes <ecl@fnpc21.if.usp.br>

I have discovered ebuff-menu.el, which uses electric.el removes all keymaps, including the prefix keymaps and because my cursor keys produce prefix "\M-[", this is a great problem.

To make cursor keys available again you have to do this:

      ;;  In linux the prefix seems to be M-[
      ;;  vt100 seems to produce          ^[O
      (defconst my-arrow-prefix "\M-["
        "*This depends on your terminal. See C-q <cursor-up>")

      (defun my-keep-cursor-available ()
        "Keeps the cursor key prefix available.
         See var my-arrow-prefix"
         (if (not (null (lookup-key (current-local-map)
             ;; make prefix available again, so that cursor
             ;; keys work.
             (local-set-key my-arrow-prefix nil)))

      (add-hook 'electric-buffer-menu-mode-hook

9.0 Xmodmap introduction – Changing your X environment

9.1 How X key bindings work

This may not be very through explanation, but it intends to give you basic understanding. Let's start our journey as explained by fellow worker Uwe Geuder.


If you ever use xmodmap, it affects all your programs immediately since the change is done in X server itself. Before doing anything, run

          xmodmap -pm    

and save the default to somewhere safe. You can't do xmodmap locally, for one program, like emacs...

First thing to know is, that every program that you use in X must communicate with your X server. If you press some key, the programs gets its response from X-server.

      PROGRMAM    -->     X SERVER
                          - Does lookup, how the key is set in xmodmap
                  <--     - returns "translated" response    

Your keyboard has physical keys, that can be examined with the "xev" program. See "xev – Spot your X-events(keys) easily" later in this document. In my HP it tells for right alt key:

      Physical (Keycode 10) --> is mapped to X symbol (keysym Meta_R)    

Now the xmodmap program can change the translation, so that you can move right alt to mean something else:

      [if we'd do xmodmap -e "keycode 10 = Alt_R" ]
      Physical (Keycode 10) --> is mapped to X symbol (Alt_R)    

Now lets' take a look at the output of command xmodmap -pm in my console

      -->   shift       Shift_R (0xc),  Shift_L (0xd)
      -->   lock        Caps_Lock (0x37)
            control     Control_R (0x8),  Control_L (0xe)
            mod1        Meta_R (0xa),  Meta_L (0xb), Mode_switch (0x36)

The indicated row names: shift, lock, control, mod1-5 mean, that whenever you press Shift_R (a X symbol, remember?) it produces X state "shift". Accordingly Shift_L produces also state "shift"

The mode_switch is a bit special, because if it's in the same row with Meta_R and Meta_L. This indicates, that when you press These meta keys (that are my alt keys), they produce special mode key-codes which you can see form the xmodmap -pk listing

                 char1      char2              char3            char4
      105 0x004f (O)  0x0000 (NoSymbol)  0x00f8 (oslash)  0x00d8 (Ooblique)
      |   |      |    |                  |                |
      |   |      |    |                  |                with "shift"
      |   |      |    |                  |                and  "mode_switch"
      |   |      |    |                  with "mode_switch"
      |   |      |    with "shift" state
      |   |      ordinary char "as is"
      |   In hex
      raw keycode    

If we want to use Meta_R (that was physical key "alt right"), for other purposes, we have to change the physical mapping of it and put it into another "state row".

The following example shell script demonstrates how I moved my HP's right Alt and Control keys to mean A- and H- modifiers in emacs.

      # program : xmodmap-my.sh
      # @(#)  KEYS    Redefines X-server keymap
      #       This makes some new keys available in the HP console
      #       Mainly for emacs, so that it gives more modifiers to map
      #       keys to.
      #       1. Defines Right Alt  --> A-
      #       2. Define  Right Ctrl --> H-
      #       Use command "xmodmap -pm"
      #       The default keysettings as logged in my HP console
      #       (localhost aapo)
      #       shift       Shift_R (0xc),  Shift_L (0xd)
      #       lock        Caps_Lock (0x37)
      #       control     Control_R (0x8),  Control_L (0xe)
      #       mod1        Meta_R (0xa),  Meta_L (0xb),  Mode_switch (0x36)
      #       mod2
      #       mod3
      #       mod4
      #       mod5
      #       1a. As you can see in the table, we must first take
      #           out the mode_switch. Using mode_switch in
      #           the same line says to emacs that it should
      #           produce "Mode keysym" when pressing Alt.
      #           --> You see that C-h c [Alt-a] produces some
      #               strange M-<CHAR>, where <CHAR> is some
      #               cryptic character.
      #           --> my kbd does not have physical "mode" key,
      #               so I just remove that mapping.
      #       1b. Remove left alt key (Meta_R) and Control_R.
      #           These will have special meaning later.
      #       2a. Map the physical key (10, Alt right) to new
      #           X keysymbol ALT
      #       2b. Map key (8 Control right) to new X
      #           keysymbol HYPER
      #       3a. Now Tell X that there is new modifier, HYPER
      #       3b. Now Tell X that there is new modifier, ALT
      #           Notice that there is two "," marks t the
      #           beginning of lines. This may some message from
      #           xmodmap...but I can't tell what.
      #       shift       Shift_R (0xc),  Shift_L (0xd)
      #       lock        Caps_Lock (0x37)
      #       control   ,  Control_L (0xe)
      #       mod1      ,  Meta_L (0xb)
      #       mod2        Hyper_R (0xa)
      #       mod3        Alt_R (0x8)
      #       mod4
      #       mod5

      xmodmap \
       -e 'remove mod1 = Mode_switch' \
       -e 'remove mod1 = Meta_R'      \
       -e 'remove mod1 = Control_R'   \
       -e 'keycode  8  = Hyper_R'     \
       -e 'keycode  10 = Alt_R'       \
       -e 'add mod2 = Hyper_R'        \
       -e 'add mod3 = Alt_R'          \

      # xmodmap-my.sh ends here    

9.2 Xmodmap and keysyms – as explained in the 'xkeycaps'

An exellent english explanation (but hard for non-English people) about the Mode_switch and and other modifiers can be found from xkeycaps(1) program's man page.

      Jamie Zawinski <em>jwz@netscape.com</em>

Use archie to find the program: It allows mapping keys very conveniently provided that your keyboard happens to be supported. (HP keyboards aren't). The following is an excerpt from it.


The following description is from the X Protocol document, and is reprinted here for your convenience:

A list of KeySyms is associated with each KeyCode. If that list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a single KeySym `K', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K NoSymbol K NoSymbol''. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a pair of KeySyms ``K1 K2'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K1 K2 K1 K2''. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a triple of KeySyms ``K1 K2 K3'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``K1 K2 K3 NoSymbol''.

The first four elements of the list are split into two groups of KeySyms. Group 1 contains the first and second KeySyms, Group 2 contains third and fourth KeySyms. Within each group, if the second element of the group is NoSymbol, then the group should be treated as if the second element were the same as the first element, except when the first element is an alphabetic KeySym `K' for which both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined. In that case, the group should be treated as if the first element were the lowercase form of `K' and the second element were the uppercase form of `K'.

The standard rules for obtaining a KeySym from a KeyPress event make use of only the Group 1 and Group 2 KeySyms; no interpretation of other KeySyms in the list is given here. (That is, the last four KeySyms are unused.)

Which group to use is determined by modifier state. Switching between groups is controlled by the KeySym named Mode_switch.

By attaching that KeySym to some KeyCode and attaching that KeyCode to any one of the modifiers Mod1 through Mod5. This modifier is called the ``group modifier''. For any KeyCode, Group 1 is used when the group modifier is off, and Group 2 is used when the group modifier is on.

Within a group, which KeySym to use is also determined by modifier state. The first KeySym is used when the Shift and Lock modifiers are off. The second KeySym is used when the Shift modifier is on, or when the Lock modifier is on and the second KeySym is uppercase alphabetic, or when the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock. Otherwise, when the Lock modifier is on and is interpreted as CapsLock, the state of the Shift modifier is applied first to select a KeySym, but if that KeySym is lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase KeySym is used instead.


The following description is from the InterClient Communications Conventions Manual:

X11 supports 8 modifier bits, of which 3 are pre-assigned to Shift, Lock and Control. Each modifier bit is controlled by the state of a set of keys, and these sets are specified in a table accessed by GetModifierMapping() and SetModifierMapping().

A client needing to use one of the pre-assigned modifiers should assume that the modifier table has been set up correctly to control these modifiers. The Lock modifier should be interpreted as Caps Lock or Shift Lock according as the keycodes in its controlling set include XK_Caps_Lock or XK_Shift_Lock.

Clients should determine the meaning of a modifier bit from the keysyms being used to control it.

A client needing to use an extra modifier, for example Meta, should:

      Scan the existing modifier mappings. If it finds a modifier
      that contains a keycode whose set of keysyms includes XK_Meta_L
      or XK_Meta_R, it should use that modifier bit.

      If there is no existing modifier controlled by XK_Meta_L or
      XK_Meta_R, it should select an unused modifier bit (one with an
      empty controlling set) and:

        If there is a keycode with XL_Meta_L in its set of keysyms,
        add that keycode to the set for the chosen modifier, then

        if there is a keycode with XL_Meta_R in its set of keysyms,
        add that keycode to the set for the chosen modifier, then

        if the controlling set is still empty, interact with the user
        to select one or more keys to be Meta.

      If there are no unused modifier bits, ask the user to take
      corrective action.    

This means that the Mod1 modifier does not necessarily mean Meta, although some applications (such as twm and emacs 18) assume that. Any of the five unassigned modifier bits could mean Meta; what matters is that a modifier bit is generated by a keycode which is bound to the keysym Meta_L or Meta_R.

Therefore, if you want to make a `meta' key, the right way is to make the keycode in question generate both a Meta keysym, and some previously-unassigned modifier bit.

9.3 Example – xmodmap for select and kp-f1

By Yigal Hochberg hochberg@cisco.com

In my emacs the select and kp-f1 produced same keycode symbol when investigated with C-h l lossage buffer. But here is a trick how you can get emacs to see them as separate keys.

      % xmodmap -e 'keycode 51 = Select  '
      % xmodmap -e 'keycode 73 = Execute '
      % xmodmap -e 'keycode 125 = KP_F1  '    

And in my emacs I can now do:

      ;; Insert (6 block)
      ;; Help (upper left corner)
      (global-set-key [(select)] 'other-window)
      (global-set-key [(kp-f1)] 'help-for-help)    

9.4 Example – sun keyboard xmodamp

pogrell@informatik.hu-berlin.de (Lutz Pogrell),

This discussion really belongs to comp.windows.x, but... read the ICCCM, the Inter Client Communication Conventions Manual. There, the propper way of interpreting modifiers is explained. emacs now follows those rules(I think). The example given before isn't verry helpful. I will explain my xmodmap setting for a sun keyboard (a few hex key codes are used, which are system specific):

      ! First section:
      ! Let Compose be another Control Key
      ! this is practical for touch typists
      keysym 0xff20 = Control_R
      ! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
      remove Lock = Caps_Lock
      remove Control = Control_L
      keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
      keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
      add Lock = Caps_Lock
      add Control = Control_L Control_R
      ! now the keys labeled ``Caps Lock'' and ``Compose'' mean Control
      ! and ``Control'' is Caps Lock
      ! Second section:
      ! set up for umlauts
      ! the key labeled ``Alt Graph'' activates the 3th and 4th
      ! level of keys
      ! You may use any four different symbols on any key
      keycode 20 = Mode_switch
      add mod5 = Mode_switch
      keysym a = a A adiaeresis Adiaeresis
      keysym o = o O odiaeresis Odiaeresis
      keysym u = u U udiaeresis Udiaeresis
      keysym s = s S ssharp
      ! Third section:
      ! make ALT and META modifier independent
      remove mod1 = Meta_L
      remove mod1 = Meta_R
      add mod1 = Alt_L
      add mod2 = Meta_L
      add mod2 = Meta_R
      ! now the key labeled ``Alt'' is the Alt modifier and
      ! the keys labeled by a diamond are Meta modifiers
      ! this is especially useful if You use mwm and emacs together---You
      ! may cycle through the windows by <Alt-TAB> and still
      ! use <Meta-TAB> for emacs completion

The advantage of using xmodmap for setting 8 bit charecter input over emacs' iso-accents-mode is that this is the same for all clients (or should be the same ...)

The disadvantage is that I don't know an intuitive way of using 3 different accents with the same letter as in french. Note that there are input methods for exactly this reason in X11R6---but I don't know what emacs thinks about this concept.

So my modifiers look like this:

      bruno% xmodmap -pm
      xmodmap:  up to 2 keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses):

      shift       Shift_L (0x6a),  Shift_R (0x75)
      lock        Caps_Lock (0x53)
      control     Control_L (0x7e),  Control_R (0x4a)
      mod1        Alt_L (0x1a)
      mod2        Meta_L (0x7f),  Meta_R (0x81)
      mod5        Mode_switch (0x14)    

As You can see I use 6 (six) different modifiers.

Was it in the emacs FAQ or in the jargon file where such keyboards where called space cadet keyboards?

9.5 Example – remap the control key

how to remap the control key to live above the shift key and either get rid of caps lock entirely or move it below the shift key.

9.5.1 Martin Steppler steppler@comnets.rwth-aachen.de

man xmodmap says:

One of the more irritating differences between keyboards is the location of the Control and Shift Lock keys. A common use of xmodmap is to swap these two keys as fol- lows:

      ! Swap Caps_Lock and Control_L
      remove Lock = Caps_Lock
      remove Control = Control_L
      keysym Control_L = Caps_Lock
      keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
      add Lock = Caps_Lock
      add Control = Control_L    

10.0 Code

10.1 Perl code to remap Meta-Modeswitch

This code is from Steffen Risser <c0033016@rzsrv2.rz.tu-bs.de> 1 Dec 1997 where he used it to map several people's HP-UX to the "standard" key configuration.

      # Searches xmodmap for keysyms Alt_l, Alt_r or Meta_l, Meta_r
      # and exchanges them to Alt_l Meta_l ( mod1 ), Modeswitch ( mod2 ).
      # s.risser@tu-bs.de
      # Version 0.1a

      # the xmodmap binary
      $XMODMAP    = "xmodmap";

      # set the verbose level ( 1=verbose, 0=nothing )
      $verbose    =1;

      $ALTL   ="$XMODMAP -pke | grep Alt_L";
      $ALTR   ="$XMODMAP -pke | grep Alt_R";
      $METAR  ="$XMODMAP -pke | grep Meta_R";
      $METAL  ="$XMODMAP -pke | grep Meta_L";

      sub set_mod
          local($mod,$keysym) = @_;
          local($execstr)     = 0;

          $execstr            = "$XMODMAP -e 'clear $mod'";
          if($verbose) { print "$execstr\n"; }
          system $execstr;

          $execstr            = "$XMODMAP -e 'add $mod = $keysym'";
          if($verbose) { print "$execstr\n"; }
          system $execstr;

      sub set_keycode
          local($keycode,$keysym) = @_;
          local($execstr)         = "$XMODMAP -e '$keycode = $keysym'";
           if($verbose) { print "$execstr\n"; }
          system $execstr;

      if($verbose) { print "looking for Alt_L,Alt_R"; };

      ($keycode_l,$keysym_l) = split('=',`$ALTL`);
      ($keycode_r,$keysym_r) = split('=',`$ALTR`);

      chop $keysym_r; chop $keysym_l;

      if ( ! ($keycode_l && $keycode_r) )
          if($verbose) { print " no\nlooking for Meta_L,Meta_R"; };

          ($keycode_l,$keysym_l) = split('=',`$METAL`);
          ($keycode_r,$keysym_r) = split('=',`$METAR`);

          chop $keysym_r; chop $keysym_l;

      if($keycode_l && $keycode_r )
          print " yes\n";
          &set_keycode($keycode_l,"Alt_L Meta_L");
          print " no\n";

11.0 CASE STUDY – Connection to remote emacs through Xterm

11.1 Foreword

I was accessing my university's machine from my work machine. I was sitting next to my X-tube and making telnet connection through normal xterm. The window was identified as "vt100" in remote site, but since it was actually running xterm to me, I gave following command to make it recognize right width and hight of the window.

      % eval `resize`    

I couldn't open emacs as "windowed" to my work's X-tube, because the access rights didn't permit taking any connection from outside world. I could only "talk" outwards from my work machine, not towards it. The setenv DISPLAY my.host.com:0.0 trick was therefore useless.

11.2 The connection does not know my keyboard

When I opened my emacs, it started fine in a xterm box, but when I tried to use my favorite key bindings I quickly noticed, that the X- environment extensions that allowed interpreting Ctrl-Fkey etc. combinations, were gone. Neither did Alt-shift-keys work any longer.

I felt that I was crippled, because Ctrl and Alt keys were out of use in this session. So many handy key combinations had vanished. The problem was, that through telnet connection, it is not possible to send Ctrl-F2 information, because such key does not exist in regular [78]bit ascii charts. The motif (X in general) use extra events that tell "user pressed Ctrl + some other normal chars". The connection can only base ascii chart characters.

One solution to this problem is that we do a little translation while we're talking to remote host:

      Ctrl-F2  | translate in xterm --> send sequence --> remote host    

This says that "when user presses Ctrl-F2, the xterm translates the sequence into some other key combinations that can be sent over the connection. The remote host then sees these sent characters and executes them as usual."

11.3 How do I know what a key produces (ascii sequences?)

The od(1) has ability to record keys and print their true nature. Let's find out what the F2 and C-F2 keys produces in our environment. ('-t' for keys and 'a' for char output )

      % od -ta    

Now od(1) is waiting for input: press keys below. The 'x' is used to separate the keys.

      "x" "F2" "x" "Ctrl-F2" "x"    

Now press Ctrl-d twice, which terminates the od(1) and it spits out the codes:

      0000000    x esc   [   1   3   ~   x esc   [   1   3   ~   x
                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
                   F2                      ctrl-F2    

It's quite obvious to see, that the Ctrl key can't be distinguished. Anyway, now you know how the F2 is intepreted by normal terminals and what codes are sent in telnet connections.

Note: The emacs view-lossage function C-h l, can also produce similar results, but do not use it in X-window (-nw is fine I guess).

The reason is that emacs gets events directly from X-library funcs, and when it prints the results, you may assume that the keycode exists. When you use od(1) instead, you're guaranteed to have plain keyboard read out without any X-events. If Emacs says "yes" for the key, and od(1) produces nothing, you should assume that emacs got the event through X-libs.

For example If I press Alt-backspace in od(1)

      % od -ta

Nothing happens, I can press Alt-basckpace untill I'm tired and still, the od is waiting for input. I have to terminate it with C-d. If I do same in the emacs: press the Alt-Backspace and immediately look at the lossage C-h l, it tells me:


Why my Alt-key is seen as "Meta" is due to xmodmap(1). Let's jump to it in next sections for a while.

11.4 Short xmodmap(1) glimpse

The xmodmap(1) tells you how programs see your hardware keys, the definition of the entries are quite simple. e.g. My map shows:

      shift       Shift_R (0xc),  Shift_L (0xd)
      lock        Caps_Lock (0x37)
      control     Control_R (0x8),  Control_L (0xe)
      mod1        Meta_R (0xa),  Meta_L (0xb),  Mode_switch (0x36)

Look at row 3: it says that whenever I press Right control key or Left control key, it produces only "control" to the existing programs. (unless they use X-events directly of course)

Generally it's not the best idea to change your xmodmap, just because you want remap some key in emacs. The reason is quite obvious, when you change the xmodmap, it affects everything. All other programs you're running too. If you only redefine some unused keys that you plan to use only in emacs, then you can play with xmodmap safely. Next we peek X events little more closely.

11.5 Xev – Spot your X-events(keys) easily

This 'xev' program is Distributed with X11R5 (or any X-dist.). When you run it, it'll open a window which starts reading any events you generate: moving mouse, clicking, pressing shift, alt... E.g. pressing Alt gives:

      [when pressed]
      KeyPress event, serial 18, synthetic NO, window 0x6000001,
          root 0x23, subw 0x0, time 1671998966, (85,130), root:(580,559),
          state 0x0, keycode 11 (keysym 0xffe7, Meta_L), same_screen YES,
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""

      keycode 11        == Physical keyboad key
      keysym Meta_L     == physical key to "logical" X-key.

      [when released]
      KeyRelease event, serial 20, synthetic NO, window 0x6000001,
          root 0x23, subw 0x0, time 1672001116, (85,130), root:(580,559),
          state 0x8, keycode 11 (keysym 0xffe7, Meta_L), same_screen YES,
          XLookupString gives 0 characters:  ""    

So use this if you want to find out how the event is "seen" by motif windowing system.

11.6 Xterm's -xrm switch for key settings, where are the key names?

We're going to program Xterm soon, so you you must learn to find your symbolic key names: they are located along the Xlib path, similar to mine:


Drop the "XK_" prefixes when using the names in Xterm's -xrm switch. A excerpt of the keysymdef.h file:

      /* Cursor control & motion */

      #define XK_Home   0xFF50
      #define XK_Left   0xFF51  /* Move left, left arrow */
      #define XK_Up     0xFF52  /* Move up, up arrow */
      #define XK_Right  0xFF53  /* Move right, right arrow */
      #define XK_Down   0xFF54  /* Move down, down arrow */
      #define XK_Prior  0xFF55  /* Prior, previous */
      #define XK_Next   0xFF56  /* Next */
      #define XK_End    0xFF57  /* EOL */
      #define XK_Begin  0xFF58  /* BOL */    

11.7 Custom xterm – making xterm to translate character for connection

Xterm can accept regular motif commands, so let's use its -xrm switch to "program" it. This little shell file launches up specially configured xterm session: it converts pressed keys to another key sequences.

      # @(#) file:  xtu --  (Xt)erm to (U)niversity
      # @(#) desc:  Special key config for remote emacs through telnet
      exec xterm -xrm 'XTerm.VT100.translations: #override \
        Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F2: string(0x14) string("Cf2") \n\

      0x14  = Control-t code, see ascii chart
      Cf2   = string of single keystrokes    

It says that "When user presses C-F2 in this Xterm, turn it into key sequence 'C-t Cf2' "

11.8 Remote emacs setup

Now I can pass the C-F2 to my university's machine by using special xterm. Now I have to set up target emacs so, that it can understand these new key sequences. The "C-t" was just an example of a possible prefix-key, you can select any other prefix key. I use same ~/.emacs.keys file for both machines, but the lisp code can snoop if the current emacs is X-telnetting and not run from regular term. See the lisp code later.

First, we add this into ~/.cshrc. It defines environment variable LOGIN_SITE when we log to account from outside the University site. My account in University is 'ssjaaa': (S)ociology (S)tudies (Ja)ri (Aa)lto.

      # ........................... setting right terminal ...
      #   NOTE: This is SunOS machine's .cshrc and the output of who(1)
      #         etc. commands may vary in another systems.
      #   tty gives us "/dev/pts/17", drop that "/dev/" away....
      set data = `tty`; set tty = "pts/$data:t"

      #   now, where are we logged from  ?
      #   "ssjaaa - pts/17 Sep 29 18:58 . 18523 (aapo.tele.nokia.fi)"
      set who  = (`who -a | grep $USER| grep $tty`)

      # get last element "(aapo.tele.nokia.fi)"
      set site = $who[$#who]

      # Underscore for my private vars.
      setenv _LOGIN_SITE $site

      #  End file    

In Emacs; you can now check the environment variable

      (getenv "_LOGIN_SITE")    

Which should reveal if you're connected from some remote host. You can then determine if you're running Xterm+telnet+Emacs.

We also redefine key bindings in emacs to accept "C-t Cf2" as C-F2 The F2 is seen direcly: try it and you'll see something like following in remote emacs's lossage buffer, M-x view-lossage

      esc [ 1 3 ~    

11.9 Testing the special Xterm and remote emacs co-operation

Before we do telnet, we can test the configuration in X Start xtu shell script. If you made mistakes in in -xrm commands, it says:

      Warning: translation table syntax error: Unknown keysym name: f2
      Warning: ... found while parsing 'Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> f2:
               string(0x14) string("Cf2")      '    

You have to write symbolic key names with proper case, here the mistake is 'f2' when it should have been 'F2'. Use xev or refer to keysymdef.h for proper names. Start od(1) in the Xterm just appeared to check that the C-F2 is translated correctly.

      % od -ta
      Cf2      << should appear if you press C-F2    

If od(1) test succeeds, start emacs for final test

      % emacs -nw -debug-init << in X, force it to window.    

If the lisp code added doesn't signal any errors, then you can try out the key F2. Press it and following text should appear in buffer:


If all went ok, your modified Xterm works correcly. You can use the same keys as you used in X, althought the remote emacs does not know anything about X. That's what I call transparency. Remember to modify your ~/.cshrc and add the lisp code to the remote ~/.emacs. There is shadow.el in 19.28 std distrib, that can mirror your files easily to other sites, like your shared ~/.emacs and ~/.cshrc in this case.

Now you know all you need and you can start defining more keys that can't be sent directly via wire. My complete setup is attached below.

11.10 Complete, live, setup – Modify to personal needs

Offered "as is", no code will be explained via email. Peter von der Ahe pahe@daimi.aau.dk kindly sent more Bindings to "xte" script. All the string(0x1b) codes that enable M-> and M-< are from him. Please note that the code below may not display correctly in html layout. Read the code from the text version of this document. ;;; --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++- .emacs.keys.el – (require 'cl) (require 'tinylib) ;; function ti::define-in-function-keymap ;; Define backspace key for non-window Emacs. (when (and (boundp 'window-system) (null window-system)) (setq key-translation-map (make-sparse-keymap)) (define-key key-translation-map "\177" "\C-h") (define-key key-translation-map "\C-h" "\177") (defvar BACKSPACE "\177") (defvar DELETE "\C-h") (global-set-key BACKSPACE 'backward-delete-char)) (ti::define-in-function-keymap '(([?\e ?O ?I] [tab]) ;; This is KP_Tab X key symbol ([kp_tab] [tab]) ;; Those horrible terminals that send pure terminal escapes... ;; Usually when I'm running non-windowed through xterm and telnet ([?\e ?O ?A] [up]) ([?\e ?O ?B] [down]) ([?\e ?O ?C] [right]) ([?\e ?O ?D] [left]) ([?\e ?O ?D] [left]) ([?\e ?\ ?2 ?~ [insert]) ([?\e ?\ ?5 ?~ [next]) ([?\e ?\ ?6 ?~ [prior]) ([?\e ?O ?\C-@] [end]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?1 ?~ [f1]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?2 ?~ [f2]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?3 ?~ [f3]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?4 ?~ [f4]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?5 ?~ [f5]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?6 ?~ [f6]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?7 ?~ [f7]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?8 ?~ [f8]) ([?\e ?\ ?1 ?9 ?~ [f9]))) (defun my-special-xterm () "Accept special keysequences sent by Xterm. Prefix map C-t used. You must run 'xte' shell script that sets up Xterm to send these keycodes." (interactive) ;; Make this key available to us. Was transpose-chars (global-unset-key "\C-t") ;; We translate the special key sequences back to key events. ;; Modifiers C = Ctrl, A = Alt, S = Shift ;; ............................................................ #tab ... ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap '(([?\C-t ?C ?k ?t] [C-tab]) ([?\C-t ?S ?k ?t] [S-tab]) ([?\C-t ?A ?k ?t] [A-tab]) ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?k ?t] [C-S-tab]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?k ?t] [A-S-tab]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?k ?t] [A-C-tab]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?S ?k ?t] [A-C-S-tab]))) ;; ......................................................... #return ... ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap) '(([?\C-t ?C ?k ?r] [C-return]) ([?\C-t ?S ?k ?r] [S-return]) ([?\C-t ?A ?k ?r] [A-return]) ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?k ?r] [C-S-return]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?k ?r] [A-S-return]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?k ?r] [A-C-return]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?S ?k ?r] [A-C-S-return]))) ;; ...................................................... #backspace ... ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap) '(([?\C-t ?C ?k ?b] [C-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?S ?k ?b] [S-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?A ?k ?b] [A-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?k ?b] [C-S-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?k ?b] [A-S-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?k ?b] [A-C-backspace]) ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?k ?b] [A-C-S-backspace]))) ;; ........................................................... #page ... ;; ?P = page group keys ;; u = pgup, d = pgdown, e = end, h = home, i=insert, d=delete ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap '(([?\C-t ?C ?P ?g ?d] [C-next]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?g ?d] [S-next]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?g ?d] [A-next]) ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?g ?d] [C-S-next]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?g ?d] [A-S-next]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?g ?d] [A-C-next]) ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?g ?d] [A-C-S-next]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?P ?g ?u] [C-prior]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?g ?u] [S-prior]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?g ?u] [A-prior]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?g ?u] [C-S-prior]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?g ?u] [A-S-prior]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?g ?u] [A-C-prior]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?g ?u] [A-C-S-prior]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?P ?h] [C-home]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?h] [S-home]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?h] [A-home]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?h] [C-S-home]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?h] [A-S-home]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?h] [A-C-home]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?h] [A-C-S-home]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?P ?e] [C-select]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?e] [S-select]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?e] [A-select]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?e] [C-S-select]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?e] [A-S-select]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?e] [A-C-select]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?e] [A-C-S-select]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?P ?i] [C-insert]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?i] [S-insert]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?i] [A-insert]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?i] [C-S-insert]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?i] [A-S-insert]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?i] [A-C-insert]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?i] [A-C-S-insert]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?P ?d] [C-delete]) ([?\C-t ?S ?P ?d] [S-delete]) ([?\C-t ?A ?P ?d] [A-delete]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?P ?d] [C-S-delete]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?P ?d] [A-S-delete]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?P ?d] [A-C-delete]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?P ?d] [A-C-S-delete]))) ;; ....................................................... #movement ... ;; ?m = movement map, ;; r = right, l = left, u= up, d = down ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap '(([?\C-t ?C ?m ?u] [C-up]) ([?\C-t ?S ?m ?u] [S-up]) ([?\C-t ?A ?m ?u] [A-up]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?m ?u] [C-S-up]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?m ?u] [A-S-up]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?m ?u] [A-C-up]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?m ?u] [A-C-S-up]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?m ?d] [C-down]) ([?\C-t ?S ?m ?d] [S-down]) ([?\C-t ?A ?m ?d] [A-down]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?m ?d] [C-S-down]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?m ?d] [A-S-down]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?m ?d] [A-C-down]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?m ?d] [A-C-S-down]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?m ?l] [C-left]) ([?\C-t ?S ?m ?l] [S-left]) ([?\C-t ?A ?m ?l] [A-left]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?m ?l] [C-S-left]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?m ?l] [A-S-left]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?m ?l] [A-C-left]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?m ?l] [A-C-S-left]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?m ?r] [C-right]) ([?\C-t ?S ?m ?r] [S-right]) ([?\C-t ?A ?m ?r] [A-right]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?S ?m ?r] [C-S-right]) ([?\C-t ?A ?S ?m ?r] [A-S-right]) ([?\C-t ?A ?C ?m ?r] [A-C-right]) ;; ([?\C-t ?C ?A ?S ?m ?r] [A-C-S-right]))) ;; ....................................................... #function ... ;; (ti::define-in-function-keymap '(([?\C-t ?S ?f ?1] [S-f1]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?2] [S-f2]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?3] [S-f3]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?4] [S-f4]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?5] [S-f5]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?6] [S-f6]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?7] [S-f7]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?8] [S-f8]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?9] [S-f9]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?- ?0] [S-f10]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?- ?1] [S-f11]) ([?\C-t ?S ?f ?- ?2] [S-f12])

([?\C-t ?C ?f ?1] [C-f1]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?2] [C-f2]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?3] [C-f3]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?4] [C-f4]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?5] [C-f5]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?6] [C-f6]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?7] [C-f7]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?8] [C-f8]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?9] [C-f9]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?- ?0] [C-f10]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?- ?1] [C-f11]) ([?\C-t ?C ?f ?- ?2] [C-f12]))) ) (my-special-xterm) ;;; --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- --++-- xte – #! /bin/sh # # file: xte – (Xt)erm for telnet and remote (E)macs # desc: Special key configuration for remote emacs through telnet # Special Xterm, which translates HP-UX keys which are seen in # X-env to some prefix keys over the telnet connection to # remote Emacs # # See # % od -ta # # The X-keys are defined in # # /usr/include/X11R5/X11/keysymdef.h # # Just leave the "XK_" away from the name definition. E.g. # # #define XK_BackSpace 0xFF08 # # ?\C-t = 20dec, 14h, Ctrl-t # # Use 'xev' to read the X-events # # Use 'xmodmap -pm' to see what keys are translated to which # LEFT translations # ^^^ ^^^^ # seen as real xevents # # ~ refers to not() operator # # Not accessible # # Alt(meta){tab} is never produced, although it's presented here # Alt{up,down} is never produced .. # # Not X11 keysymdef.h, examined with xev # # HpInsertChar, HpDeleteChar, ccedilla, aring, cent # --> unforunately direct Alt keys cannot be mapped # # F-keys # # F1 .. F12 can be sent directly, but Shift, Ctrl, Alt don't # # Title # # XT.E = Xterm for remote Emacs # exec xterm -T "XT.E" -xrm 'XTerm.VT100.translations: #override \ \ ~Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> KP_Tab: string(0x9) \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Tab: string(0x14) string("Ckt") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Tab: string(0x14) string("Skt") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Tab: string(0x14) string("ASkt") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("Ckr") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("Skr") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("Akr") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("CSkr") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("ASkr") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("ACkr") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Return: string(0x14) string("ACSkr") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("Ckb") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("Skb") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("Akb") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("CSkb") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("ASkb") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("ACkb") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> BackSpace: string(0x14) string("ACSkb") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("CPgu") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("SPgu") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("APgu") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("CSPgu") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("ASPgu") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("ACPgu") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Prior: string(0x14) string("ACSPgu") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("CPgd") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("SPgd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("APgd") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("CSPgd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("ASPgd") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("ACPgd") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Next: string(0x14) string("ACSPgd") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("CPh") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("SPh") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("APh") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("CSPh") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("ASPh") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("ACPh") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Home: string(0x14) string("ACSPh") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("CPe") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("SPe") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("APe") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("CSPe") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("ASPe") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("ACPe") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Select: string(0x14) string("ACSPe") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("CPi") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("SPi") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("APi") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("CSPi") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("ASPi") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("ACPi") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> hpInsertChar: string(0x14) string("ACSPi") \n\ \ ~Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("Pd") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("CPd") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("SPd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("APd") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("CSPd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("ASPd") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("ACPd") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> hpDeleteChar: string(0x14) string("ACSPd") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("Cmu") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("Smu") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("Amu") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("CSmu") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("ASmu") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("ACmu") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Up: string(0x14) string("ACSmu") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("Cmd") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("Smd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("Amd") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("CSmd") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("ASmd") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("ACmd") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Down: string(0x14) string("ACSmd") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("Cml") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("Sml") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("Aml") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("CSml") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("ASml") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("ACml") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Left: string(0x14) string("ACSml") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("Cmr") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("Smr") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("Amr") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("CSmr") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("ASmr") \n\ Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("ACmr") \n\ Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> Right: string(0x14) string("ACSmr") \n\ \ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F1: string(0x14) string("Sf1") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F2: string(0x14) string("Sf2") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F3: string(0x14) string("Sf3") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F4: string(0x14) string("Sf4") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F5: string(0x14) string("Sf5") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F6: string(0x14) string("Sf6") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F7: string(0x14) string("Sf7") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F8: string(0x14) string("Sf8") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F9: string(0x14) string("Df9") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F10: string(0x14) string("Sf-0") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F11: string(0x14) string("Sf-1") \n\ ~Ctrl ~Meta Shift <Key> F12: string(0x14) string("Sf-2") \n\ \ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F1: string(0x14) string("Cf1") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F2: string(0x14) string("Cf2") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F3: string(0x14) string("Cf3") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F4: string(0x14) string("Cf4") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F5: string(0x14) string("Cf5") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F6: string(0x14) string("Cf6") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F7: string(0x14) string("Cf7") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F8: string(0x14) string("Cf8") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F9: string(0x14) string("Cf9") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F10: string(0x14) string("Cf-0") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F11: string(0x14) string("Cf-1") \n\ Ctrl ~Meta ~Shift <Key> F12: string(0x14) string("Cf-2") \n\ \ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> .: string(0x1b) string(">") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta Shift <Key> comma: string(0x1b) string("<") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> space: string(0x1b) string(" ") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> backslash: string(0x1b) string("\\") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> a: string(0x1b) string("a") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> b: string(0x1b) string("b") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> c: string(0x1b) string("c") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> d: string(0x1b) string("d") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> e: string(0x1b) string("e") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> f: string(0x1b) string("f") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> g: string(0x1b) string("g") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> h: string(0x1b) string("h") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> i: string(0x1b) string("i") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> j: string(0x1b) string("j") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> k: string(0x1b) string("k") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> l: string(0x1b) string("l") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> m: string(0x1b) string("m") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> n: string(0x1b) string("n") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> o: string(0x1b) string("o") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> p: string(0x1b) string("p") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> q: string(0x1b) string("q") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> r: string(0x1b) string("r") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> s: string(0x1b) string("s") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> t: string(0x1b) string("t") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> u: string(0x1b) string("u") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> v: string(0x1b) string("v") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> w: string(0x1b) string("w") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> x: string(0x1b) string("x") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> y: string(0x1b) string("y") \n\ ~Ctrl Meta ~Shift <Key> z: string(0x1b) string("z") \n\ ' \ $* # ............................................................... &eof ...

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Last updated: 2008-08-09 18:05