

The dictionary below is based on the Bambara-French dictionary by Charles Bailleul. The letter distribution has been calculated using the Corpus bambara (FR).


The DISC (Diccionari Informatitzat de l'Scrabble en Català) is an alternative dictionary to the official Catalan dictionary (DOSC).
For more details, see the dedicated site (in Catalan).


The word list of this dictionary has been obtained from the following sources:

Note: the letters follow the distribution indicated on this page. Thus the few words containing a W or a Z must necessarily be played using the jokers.


The dictionaries below contain official word lists used for playing Scrabble in English:


The word list of this dictionary contains additions and omissions, compared to the Officiel Du Scrabble (ODS 6) word list, which contains 386264 words). It has been obtained by a combination of the following sources:

Note: for legal reasons, the word list of the Officiel Du Scrabble (ODS) is not provided anymore on this site. It is however possible to find other word lists on the Internet (including the ODS one...), and to use them to build your own dictionary.


The dictionary below contains the official word list for playing Scrabble in Italian. Enclitic forms are also accepted in live games, but there is at the moment no list containing them all.

Note: words containing the letters J, K, W, X or Y can only be played using the jokers.


You can play in Malagasy with the below dictionary:


The dictionary below is based on the official word list, available here:


The dictionnaire below is based on the SJP (Słownik Języka Polskiego), available here:


The dictionary below is based on the official word list, available here:


There is no official word list for playing Scrabble in Serbian. Here is an unofficial dictionary:


The dictionary below is based on the word list provided by the Federación Internacional de Scrabble en Español (FISE), available here:

Create your own dictionary

Since Eliot 1.12, a wizard allows creating very easily your own dictionary from any list of words. The wizard is available in the Settings menu: Create a new dictionary.... Then you just need to follow the instructions...

Note: languages using double letters for a single tile (like the spanish LL or the catalan QU) must use the old method indicated below..

For those who prefer to use a command-line tool, another (more complex) method consists in using the compdic program, provided with Eliot (and pre-compiled for Windows).

Here is the procedure to follow:

Last modified $Date: 2017/06/15 19:14:42 $