Acquiring and Installing Emulated Flat Concurrent Prolog
Acquiring the sources
- If you don't have a file called .cvpass, create one (e.g. touch ~/.cvpass).
- Enter:
cvs -z3 -Q co Logix
- If you intend to use the record macro process of subsystem spifcp or biospi, enter:
cvs -z3 -Q co bin
Downloading the System
You can download a stripped system file, without Logix source, efcp_release.tar.gz.
To expand efcp_release.tar.gz, enter:
tar -zxf efcp_release.tar.gz
The expanded folder,
contains folders Logix and bin.
Installing the system
The simplest method to install the system:
- cd Logix/EMULATOR
- gcc mkmk.c -o mkmk
- do-target
where target, your processor, is one of {cygwin, linux, macosx, maci386, sgi, solaris, ubuntu}
- cd ..
- ./install
./install logix
If all goes well, the Emulator will be compiled, and an initial logix system will be generated, along with a short executable file, named logix.
If you need a SpiFcp or BioSpi sub-system, instead of 5. enter:
- ./install spifcp
./install biospi
or any two of the three, or all three. The generated executable file is named spifcp or biospi in the latter two cases.
The file Logix/README has further details on installing the system for multiple targets, all of which share the Logix binary (.bin) files.
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Gnu General Public License - Version 3