Core tool design

DTD restriction

Element content restriction

Content restriction is a wide area, and the general case may be difficult to formalize in a usable way, so before focussing on a couple of restrictions that will be easy to formalise, we'll see how the tool can act as a simple checker.

Some kinds of content restriction

An apparently quite simple type of content restriction is probably the removal an occurence of an element in a content model. Even that is somewhat difficult to express if we want it to survive to future revisions of the parent DTD, the main problem being to address a single occurence of an element type (or of a parameter entity) in a content model (including inside parameter entities), when several such occurences can be found.

Simpler to specify is the removal of all occurences of an element (including pseudo-elements like #PCDATA) from a content model:

Even simpler to specify is the pure destruction of an element or entity, and hence its removal from all content models and entities. This is not just a specific case of the former, because it requires to undefine the element or entity.

However, the very existence of content exceptions make it difficult to handle changes to parameter entities in a secure way, as those entities can then be used both with additive and substractive semantics. Their usage in the base DTD (and in the current customization layer) should be checked to be sure of the semantics of the following clause, which would be a pure extension when applied to an entity used for a content exclusion:

For element definitions where content exceptions are not parametrized, or whose parametrization should be broken (more on this later), explicit manipulation may be necessary:

Often an entity is used in the definition of several content models, and we only want to restrict some of those contents. Then the parametrization has to rewritten using a new entity with a "smaller content". These entities can be kept linked (the old one being an formally extension of the new one), or not - such decision will impact further customisation layers.

DTD extention

Other operations