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6 Installation

Installation is done in a number of steps:

  1. Prepare the executables dgrey and dgrey-cmd scripts for your system. This is easiest done by letting autoconf/automake do it for you: Just run ./configure followed by make.
  2. Copy the executables dgrey and dgrey-cmd to system paths for executables, usually /usr/local/sbin or /usr/sbin. The command make install will place these files in the correct location.
  3. Copy configuration files config, whitelist_clients, whitelist_recipients to the appropriate directory, usually /etc/dgrey. The command make install will also do this for you.
  4. (Optional.) Copy init.d script dgrey.init to the appropriate directory, usually /etc/init.d. Please note that the make command prepares the init.d script by inserting the correct paths. make install will install the script to the init.d directory in the configuration path.
  5. (Optional.) Copy crontab files to the appropriate directory. There are a number of scripts which you can copy or symlink to the appropriate crontab directory - usually /etc/cron.daily and /etc/cron.weekly. This is not done by make install. See Crontabs, for more information on crontab scripts.
  6. (Optional.) Create a system account for dgrey. This is not necessary but it improves the security.
  7. Create the database directory, usually /var/lib/dgrey. This is done by the make install command. If you created a system account in the previous step, then that account must have full access to this directory.
  8. (Optional). Create an empty log file for dgrey, usually /var/log/dgrey.log. Make sure the dgrey account has permissions to write to this file.
  9. (Optional.) Make sure the init.d script is run at system start/stop time. How this is done varies from system to system, but in Debian it is usually done this way: update-rc.d dgrey defaults.