
Copyright © Jari Aalto All files and documentaiton in this project is released under GPL.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


Project Description


This is README file of cygbuild Sourceforge project. The are no files that would need to be compiled. The project uses intepreted languages. To install and run these utilities, you need:


Sourceforge project's description at (255 characters) reads:

      Utilities for Win32 Cygwin source and binary package
      maintainers. To configure, build, strip, produce diffs and
      generate cygwin specific template files. To put it simply:
      Convert Unix/Linux/Perl package into complete Cygwin Net
      Release distribution.    

Cygbuild is like Debian dh_make(1) .deb or rpm(1) .rpm maker utility, but for Win32 Cygwin platform. If you are familiar with deb or .rpm making or Activestate Perl .ppm and .ppd files, the
Cygwin Net release packaging <> is just another variant of these existing packaging methods. The process is quite straight forward: one must mirror whole system directory structure where the files would go, place the les there and wrap all in a package-NN.NN-RELEASE.tar.bz2 package. The end user installs this premade tar package at system root /. This is the methodology of making Cygwin Net releases.

Normally the porting process starts by downloading some Unix or Linux package that would be nice to have under Cygwin as well. So the porter must

All of these steps can be automated in a certain degree for Unix/Linux packages that use standard packaging shemes like:

If the automatic packaging cannot be use (make all, make install), there are custom install files that the porter can tweak. The manual explains this in detail (see doc/ directory): --help    

What are the benefits of using Cygbuild?

There is much more simple (some ~300 lines) generic bourne shell example script at <> which can also be used for maintaining a Cygwin Net Release. Cygbuild has been evolved from it and combines "Method One" and "Method Two" and adds "Method three++" (automation) from Package Contributor's Guide. The advantages are:

The manual porting method

If this utility does not provide the rope needed, it is always possible to do all manually and start from scratch. Use and tweak the Generic build script that is provided at page <>. Read it for detailed information how to the Cygwin Net release packaging system works.

Package install instructions

Installing from sourceforge package

<see index.html for this section>

Installing from a CVS checkout

Details how to check out the project can ve found from Sourceforge. After checkout, help is vailable at:

      make help    

Following commands brings the project to the latest versions. The install-cvs does not copy the files to /usr/bin, but only creates symbolic links to the latest source script files

      $ cd <project-dir>/sourceforge/cygbuild
      $ make install-cvs    

After that, to keep project up to date:

      $ cd <project-dir>/sourceforge/cygbuild
      $ cvs up    

You may also want to run this make target in order to update the templete files to the latest versions

      $ cd <project-dir>/sourceforge/cygbuild
      $ make install-etc    

Information for developers

Policy for documenting changes

All changes are documented using Emacs editor and standard package add-log.el, which provides command C-x 4 a to record a change to any file at point. Emacs will pick up the main ChangeLog file and open a change entry there, whose format is:

      * file.txt: (Changed topic,function,heading): Describe
      the change in consequent lines.    

Since all changes are recorded to this file, no messages are needed to be recorded to any of the CVS files itself. Developer can commit files with empty messages:

      $ cvs ci -m "" file ...    

Using CVS commands from Emacs

The CVS commands can be easily be used from inside Emacs (That is: from native Cygwin Emacs, not the Win32 version of NTEmacs). A package pcvs.el provides CVS support:

      M-x cvs-examine RET <CVS controlled directory>
      Means: Press ESC + x    

At the the opened cvs buffer, the available commands can be listed by pressing mode help key sequence C-h m. The quick commands are:

      m   Mark the file or directory
      u   unmark
      c   Commit => press C-c C-c to close log buffer    


The make file logic has been separated into etc/makefile directory from where they are included to main Makefile. If you have similar needs to build Cygwin Net releases for other projects, it could be possible to copy and use it out of the box. The makefiles included are:           Project maintainer information (variables)         General variables         Making General Unix targests (clean, install etc.)       Cygwin specific targets (making Net releases)          Network connections (sourceforge uploads)

      Makefile        The main controller, additional targests
                      needed in project file, which cannot be
                      used generally.    

Making binary package

First, make world release. It is a preliminary step for Cygwin release

      make release-world    

Now Cygwin binary and source packages can be done with these steps. The first make target will make the package and the list-cygwin shows the content of the package. The source package (not really needed) is done with: make release-cygwin-source.

      make RELEASE=1 release-cygwin-bin
      make list-cygwin    

The package is put to local Apache web server's publish area with following target. 'make publish-cygwin' (not needed; fiels are release at Sourceforge). See RELEASEDIR variable in etc/makefile/* for more information.

Releasing package to sourceforge

A ready package is found under directory .build/ and it can be uploaded to sourceforge:

           make USER=username sf-upload-release    

Log in sourceforge, go to project page (<project>) and select [Admin] page in which there is a button to [File Releases] page. Follow the page's instructions and use button [add release]. The release name is YYYY.MMDD.

The "File Type" is set as "i386" ".exe; 32-bit Windows" to signify that this project is solely for Windows and the package files is "binary" release, which should be unpacked in place.

To upload documentation, use following make target and Sourceforge's login name:

      make USER=<SF_LOGINNAME> sf-upload-doc    

To make package available for Cygwin setup.exe installer:

      make cygwin-setup-ini-update
      make USER=<SF_LOGINNAME> sf-upload-cygwin-setup-ini
      make USER=<SF_LOGINNAME> sf-upload-cygwin-release    

Source package note

Although the make target includes release-cygwin-source it's not clear if any source package from thsi project makes sense since the project is hosted at sourceforge CVS. Target for making "source" has been left in etc/makefile/ It was used in pre-releases of this project to meet complete Cygwin Net release specification, where both binary and a source packages were expected.

Exporting CVS development

There is a make target release-world that makes a tar.gz file from arbitrary CVS checkout. Should that ever be needed. This target can be used to make a backup of the project without CVS and temporary files.

Converting text files into HTML

In order to convert text files (README) into HTML, program is needed. See

This file has been automatically generated from plain text file with Perl script v2006.0125
Last updated: 2006-02-23 00:18