CVG Moodle plugins

This webpage contains several Moodle addons developed in the University of Granada to better fit our needs in a installation at the Computer Vision Group.

All these plugins are Free Software which makes you free to use, modify and redistribute them. Check the license for more information.

This software is probably faulty. Contact us for any problems or suggestions regarding this software.



This simple module makes sure that any student willing to enrole a course is contained in the text file $moodledata/idlist/$courseid, where $moodledata is your Moodle data folder and $courseid is the numerical course identifier. You can use any attribute (even customized attributes are allowed) to use as user identifier, and the identifiers are extracted from the text file using a customizable regular expression.


This module requires enrol_idlist to be installed. It allows teachers of a given course to edit the course "allowed students" list within Moodle, providing some features such as checking which students are enroled but not on the file an so on.


When you have several groups and many assignments it is sometimes a nuissance to download asignments one by one. Specially in Computer Science education, assignments often have some automatic pre-evaluation, such as scripts that test wether a program compiles correctly. assignment_downloader allows you to download all assignments in a group (or in all groups) in a single compressed package, with a script-friendly structured file hierarchy.


This is a modified version of the groupselect Moodle extension, with added support to independently change the maximun size of each group. If you are already using previous versions of groupselect up to august 2009 you can upgrade to this flawlesly.


This is a modified version of the vizcosh Moodle module, developed in the Darmstadt University. This module allows to create hyper-books with algorithm visualizations embedded in different formats. It also adds many communicative features to the hyperbook, such as inline per-paragraph comments, a virtual marker, etc. Our modifications add JSXaal support among other things.


You can find all the module packages in the download area.


We use git as our version control system for our development. You can get the latest development package by typing:

git clone git://

All the development tracking is on the Savannah project page. There is also a Github mirror.


The best way to ask for support or submit bugs its to use the Savannah project page. Otherwise you can also contact directly our project managers.


All these plugins are Free Software, released under the General Public License version 3. You are free and encouraged to use, modify and redistribute this software. For the precise legal terms under which you are allowed to use these rights read the full license text.