However a single RTIG may be used for several federations. The command line usage of the RTIG is following:
Once the RTIG is launched an HLA Federate may interact with the RTI. In fact a federate does not talk to the RTIG directly but it uses its RTIA. RTIG is listening to RTIA connection on TCP port:
The RTIG exchange messages with the RTIA in order to satify HLA request coming from the Federate. In particular RTIG is responsible for giving to the Federate (through its RTIA) the FOM file needed to create or join the federation. When a federate calls the CreateFederationExcution API RTIG tries to open FOM file from different predefined places, using various environment variables:
getenv(CERTI_FOM_PATH) + FEDid_name
environment variable may contains a list of path separated with ':'. CERTI_HOME
environment variable getenv(CERTI_HOME)+"/share/federations/"+ FEDid_name
PACKAGE_INSTALL_PREFIX + "/share/federation/" + FEDid_name
"/usr/local/share/federation/" + FEDid_name
for backward compatibility reason.