2 Standard API

The hla.rti module provides standard HLA services. Each service defined in Clause 4 through Clause 10 of IEEE 1516.1 correspond to one method in the Python API. This may differ from the C++ API.

First, import the module functions

import hla.rti as hla

Each federate should subclass the FederateAmbassador and implement some of the federate ambassador services.

class MyAmbassador(hla.FederateAmbassador):
    def discoverObjectInstance(self, object, objectClass, objectName):
        print "DISCOVERED", objectName

A federate ambassador object is passed to the joinFederationExecution service.

fed = MyAmbassador()

rtia = hla.RTIAmbassador()
rtia.joinFederationExecution("python-01", "MyFederation", fed)

Services of a RTI ambassador are provided by the RTIAmbassador class.

        rtia.tick(1.0, 1.0)
except KeyboardInterrupt:

