Tools | SpeckleQualityTest

Installing from a binary file in Gnu-Linux

In this section we see two installation methods from a binary file.

Dependencies of qualitytest program from a deb file

To install the dependencies you need use the next code:

    sudo apt-get install libopencv-contrib2.4v5 libqt5gui5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5

Installing the qualitytest program from a deb file

The deb files presented here are compiled to Ubuntu 16.04 and traditionally only need a double click to start the installation process, but it process also can be made via the command line.

To install the last version of the qualitytest program from a deb file you need download it from here . All deb files have a filename with the name structure qualitytest_X.Y.Z_ARCH.deb, where X.Y.Z is the version, and ARCH is the architecture, typically this value is i386 or amd64, to 32 or 64 bits architectures respectively.

Thus, the installation process of qualitytest_1.0.1_amd64.deb, downloaded in the directory path ~/Downloads, will be:

    sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/qualitytest_1.0.1_amd64.deb

Uninstall the qualitytest program from a deb file

    sudo dpkg -r qualitytest

Installing the qualitytest program from a snap

The snap files presented here can be installed in any gnu-linux distribution that support snaps, currently these are Ubuntu, ArchLinux, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora, OpenSuse, OpenEmbedded, Yocto and OpenWrt. The snaps are packages auto supported so that these have all the information necessary to works, consequently the snaps files have a very large size.

Please attention:

To install the last version of the qualitytest program from a snap file you need download it from here . All snap files have a filename with the name structure qualitytest_X.Y.Z_ARCH.snap, where X.Y.Z is the version, and ARCH is the architecture, typically this value is i386 or amd64, to 32 or 64 bits architectures respectively.

Thus, the installation process of qualitytest_1.0.1_amd64.snap, downloaded in the directory path ~/Downloads, will be:

    sudo snap install --dangerous ~/Downloads/qualitytest_1.0.1_amd64.snap
    sudo snap connect qualitytest:raw-usb

Uninstall the qualitytest program from snap

    sudo snap remove qualitytest

Run the application

To execute the qualitytest program you need use the next command:
