What are objects?

Objects are entities that have a visual representation in a scene. The available objects can be seen below, in the {object catalog}.
All objects share some common attributes like name, background color (or image), width, height and others.

What are resources?

Resources are objects, just like the {objects} in a scene, but they're actually detached from any scene and maintained under Resources.
Resources are needed because with them it's possible to style a particular object before adding it to a scene. That object can later be reused in other scenes, avoiding the need of restyling it everytime it's needed.

Object catalog


This is the base object for all other objects listed below. This is an abstract object, so you won't be able to create it directly. However, all the available properties will be present through other objects like {Images}, {TextBoxes}, {Characters}, etc. These properties include:

  • Width
  • Height
  • Visibility
  • Background color or image
  • Events(Mouse press, release and hover)


An Image displays a static or animated image, with the added properties present in an {object}. Most common image formats are supported, e.g. png, gif, jpeg, svg, bmp.


Character is derived from an {image}, but additionally it can contain more images, each one corresponding to a different emotional state. The character also contains a text color, that, when defined, will be the color of the text shown in a speech from this character, if on the other hand, no color is defined, it will fallback to the {textbox}'s text color.


The Textbox displays text and it can be used to display dialogues aswell. Besides the base properties that it inherits from {object}, it has a couple new properties to control text's appearence and flow. These are:

  • Align text horizontally (left, center and right);
  • Align text vertically (top, middle, bottom);
  • Text color;
  • Font type;
  • Font size;


Button, just like the name implies, is a button you can click. It is derived from a {Textbox}, in fact you can achieve the exact same appearence and behaviour by creating and then modifying a {Textbox}. The default behaviour present in Buttons is to change background the color when mouse hovers or presses the button.


ObjectGroup is an object that can contain other objects (e.g. {Images}, {TextBoxes}, etc.). It's also abstract, this means that it can't be created directly, only through (as base of) objects like {DialogueBox} and {Menu}.
Objects inside an ObjectGroup can be manipulated individually in the editor by right-clicking the object and selecting Edit option.


The DialogueBox is an {ObjectGroup} composed by two {Textboxes}, one for displaying the speaker's name and the other for displaying the dialogue.

Menu is another example of an {ObjectGroup}. In this case, it's an object composed by various buttons.
For now, a Menu can only be acessed through a {Show Menu} action.