Main loop

Main loop

After sending the info byte the client enters the main loop. Each iteration of this loop is a simulation.

Reading the rules

The client will wait for the rules. First there comes 2 bytes with some boolean rules:

  1. Lower_X_Bound_Is_Known

  2. Upper_X_Bound_Is_Known

  3. Lower_Y_Bound_Is_Known

  4. Upper_Y_Bound_Is_Known

  5. Number_Of_Homes_Is_Known

  6. Number_Of_Items_Is_Known

  7. Number_Of_Enemies_Is_Known

  8. Number_Of_Dangers_Is_Known

  1. (agent direction is parallell with y-axis)

  2. (agent direction is negative)

  3. Ammunition_Is_Limited

  4. Cost_Is_Limited

  5. Score_Is_Limited

  6. Can_Recharge_Ammunition_At_Home

  7. Neutralized_Enemy_Becomes_Item

  8. Neutralization_Stops_At_First_Enemy

The bits about agent direction are combined into the rule Initial_Direction as follows:
negativeparallell with y-axisInitial_Direction

Then the client reads the following rules:

Size in bytesFormatRule

Then the client reads the following rules if and only if certain conditions are fulfilled. The conditions are based on previously read rules.

ConditionSize in bytesFormatRule

The first percept

Then the client reads the first percept. The bits of the percept are interpreted as follwos:

  1. Home

  2. Item

  3. Hostility

  4. Bump

  5. Fear

  6. Enemy_Neutralized

  7. (unused)

  8. End

Information about known tiles

Then the client reads information about the tiles that the agent should know about (except for the tile at (0, 0) for which the client already got the information through the first percept). This is done in a loop. In each iteration it reads information about a tile. If the byte is 0, it exits the loop. Otherwise it reads the x-coordinate (1 byte) and the y-coordinate (1 byte). The tile information byte is interpreted as follows:

  • If bit 1 is True and bit 2 is True the tile is clear without enemy and

    • bit 3 tells wether the tile has a home.

    • bit 4 tells wether the tile has an item.

    • bit 5 tells wether the tile has percept hostility.

    • bit 6 tells wether the tile has percept fear.

  • If bit 1 is True and bit 2 is False the tile is clear with an enemy and

    • bit 3 tells wether the tile has a home.

    • bit 4 tells wether the tile has an item.

  • If bit 1 is False and bit 2 is True the tile is wall.

  • If bit 1 is False and bit 2 is False the tile is danger and bit 3 tells wether the tile has an enemy.

The percept <=> action cycle

The follwoing bytes are interpreted as percepts until the percept includes End. Then the following 4 bytes are interpreted as an integer containing the score. Then the main loop continues with a new iteration.

What the client can send

The client is allowed to send data while the simulation is performed. This data can be of a few different kinds:

  1. A request to perform an action.

  2. A request to clear all symbols on the map.

  3. A request to show a symbol on a tile. Only 1 symbol can be shown on a tile.

  4. A request to not show any symbol on a tile.

  5. A text message.

The first byte it sends tells the server what kind of data it is as follows:
0Action Shut_Off
1Action Move
2Action Turn_Left
3Action Turn_Right
4Action Grab
5Action Neutralize
6Clear all symbols on the map
7 Pause the simulation (so that the user can take a look at the debug output and then continue)
8 .. 99 (unused)
100 .. 199Symbol number 0 .. 99
200Symbol Number_Sign (#).
201Symbol Question (?)
201Symbol Question_Exclaimation (?!)
203Symbol Unreachable
204Symbol Irrelevant
205Symbol Danger
206Symbol Possible_Danger
207Symbol Enemy
208Symbol Possible_Enemy
209Symbol Enemy and Danger
210Symbol Possible_Enemy and Danger
211Symbol Enemy and Possible_Danger
212Symbol Possible_Enemy and Possible_Danger
213Symbol Plan_Shut_Off
214Symbol Arrow_ENWS (East, North, West, South)
215Symbol Arrow__NWS (North, West, South)
216Symbol Arrow_E_WS (East, West, South)
217Symbol Arrow___WS (West, South)
218Symbol Arrow_EN_S (East, North, South)
219Symbol Arrow__N_S (North, South)
220Symbol Arrow_E__S (East, South)
221Symbol Arrow____S (South)
222Symbol Arrow_ENW_ (East, North, West)
223Symbol Arrow__NW_ (North, West)
224Symbol Arrow_E_W_ (East, West)
225Symbol Arrow___W_ (West)
226Symbol Arrow_EN__ (East, North)
227Symbol Arrow__N__ (North)
228Symbol Arrow_E___ (East)
229Symbol None (remove)
230 .. 254 (unused)
255Text message

When sending a symbol the client should send 2 more bytes containing the x-coordinate and y-coordinate respectively. When sending a text message the client should send a 2 byte natural containing the size of the text message, followed by that number of bytes containing the message. The client can send any number of symbol and text message requests, but when it has sent an action it must wait for a percept before it is allowed to send anything again. So the agent is only allowed to send 1 action at a time. When it has sent one, it has to wait for a percept before it can send the next action.


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