ArchWay Tutorial

The real tutorial will be written later. Currently, take a look at the distributed doc files in text format and screenshots.

ArchWay consists of several independent specialized guis. Each gui may be launched on its own from the command line, or from the Tools menu of every other gui. The names for guis follow the magical theme, but are choosen to be short and pretty recongnizable. For example, "mage" => "merge", "rogue" => "registry", "angel" => "archive", "elf" => "tree" and so on.

Here is a table of currently available guis:

archwayArchWay Main Dispatcher loads all other interfaces
archeyeArchEye Changeset Viewer lists modified files, diffs
archelfArchElf Project Tree changes, add, update, commit
archmagArchMage Project Merges partners, missing, star-merge
archeroArchHero Personal Info my-id, hats
archaosArchChaosConflict Resolver*.rej. *.orig
archgenArchGenieBranch Graph branch/merge ancestry
archangArchAngelArchive Browser abrowse, archive-setup
archrogArchRogueArchive Registry local and remote archives