cd ~/.emacs.d/elpa/ada-mode-i.j.k ./ ./
These scripts use Alire; if you have it in PATH.
Access git repository, etc.
To clone the git repository, use "git clone -b org.emacs.ada-mode"; otherwise git uses the non-existent branch "master". After cloning that branch, run to checkout wisitoken, sal, etc.
Using the AdaCore ada_language_server (als) via eglot is supported, for cross reference (als does not yet support all the other features we'd like to have). als is installed with GNATStudio (which ada-mode will find by default), or can be built with Alire. If you build it with Alire, either put it in PATH, or set gnat-lsp-server-exec. To try it:
(setq-default ada-face-backend none) (setq-default ada-indent-backend none) (setq-default ada-xref-backend eglot)
Not tested with lsp-mode. You can set ada-*-backend to 'other to expermiment with that, or tree-sitter, or some other backend.
Incremental parse is enabled by default. To disable it:
(setq-default wisi-incremental-parse-enable nil)
Please report success or issues to the ada-mode mailing list
Ada mode uses a parser for the indentation, fontification, and navigation engine. The tools used to produce the Ada parser are included in the ada-mode and wisi ELPA packages; the upstream development version is available from the git repository in the Emacs ada-mode savannah project.
Subscribe to the Emacs ada-mode-users mailing list, for developer and user discussions of Ada mode. WisiToken is discussed either on the Ada mode mailing list, or the newsgroup comp.lang.ada.
Please report bugs both to the mailing list and to the Emacs bug list or Emacs debbugs. Put Package: emacs, ada-mode as the first line of the bug message.
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Author : Stephen Leake
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Last modified: Thu Oct 26 10:57:58 PDT 2023